We are one step closer to deploying Microsoft Teams to everyone on campus! Before that day comes, we are looking for a select few who are interested in being the first to try out Teams by joining our early adopter program. If you haven’t heard about Teams, it’s Microsoft’s foray into cloud-based team collaboration. It’s been compared to the Slack collaboration platform, but it is also tightly integrated into the Office 365 ecosystem found at SMU.
Starting April 15, email the IT Help Desk at help@smu.edu to requests early access to MS Teams. In a day or two, your request will be processed and then comes the fun part; testing and using Teams for your everyday work! As part of your early access, we encourage you to experiment and look for any issues with using this new tool. Just let us know so we can resolve any problems before Teams is introduced to the masses.
If you’re feeling adventurous and want to take MS Teams for a test drive, contact the IT Help Desk. We will be very thankful for your help in making Teams a great product for the SMU community.