By Taylor Corrigan
Studying abroad was always part of my college plans, but once I became a mustang, there was no way I could fathom leaving this amazing school for a whole semester! So instead, I found a way to do both and I studied abroad in the summer. I am a junior this year, and I have already studied abroad in Orvieto, Italy and in London, England! Not only did I get take classes in other countries, but I got to see the most amazing things, travel, make the best memories, and meet tons of wonderful people.
The summer after my first year at SMU I went on the SMU Italy Arts and Culture program where I took a drawing class and an art history class. My drawing class was outside everyday and for most of our art history classes we took field trips to see the different things we were learning about! We took field trips to see the David, the Colosseum, we took a gondola ride, saw ancient ruins, had our own private tour in the Sistine Chapel, and that’s just to name a couple. In addition to all of the wonderful things I experienced during our class time, we also traveled on the weekends and did all kinds of exploring in the afternoons. Some of my favorite things we did were taking a cooking class, swimming in the Mediterranean, and roaming the streets of Venice.
After having the most amazing experience in Italy, I decided I wanted to travel again last summer and this time I chose to go to London through the Cox Business School for a business internship program. I took a month of class learning about business and the economy of London, and the second month I worked as an intern at Modus, a fashion and beauty PR firm in the heart of London. As a marketing major, this opportunity to study and work abroad was perfect because I was able to take classes towards my business degree, as well as work in the fashion industry and see what marketing and public relations is all about! Just like in Italy, I had the opportunity to travel and went to Dublin, Paris, and to different parts of England. I went to a soccer game, the Royal Regatta, I had high tea in a fancy hotel, saw the Queen’s birthday parade, and did so much more! The timing for us to be there was so much fun because not only was every one so excited for the birth of the royal baby, but Wimbledon was also going on. Getting to spend two months in London this past year might have made it my best summer yet!
Studying abroad has given me the opportunity to learn and see so many new things, and I have come away both times with the best memories and it has broadened my horizons in so many ways. No matter what your major or your schedule is, studying abroad for a summer or a semester is a must at SMU—just pick a country!