Ambassadors Campus Life Life Around Dallas

Hail to the Red and the Blue Angels!

During this crazy time, one thing is sure – our medical workers are truly heroes! And, in the spirit of celebration and comradery, people have become creative in celebrating medical workers all over the world, whether it is blasting “Empire State of Mind” in New York’s hospitals, or cheering and applauding at a certain time for your local hospital. However, one of the most special tributes to our healthcare workers occurred on May 6 in Dallas, Texas – a flyover by the US Navy Blue Angels! The Blue Angels even had a chance to fly over our beautiful campus, and maybe got to take a look at the infamous Bishop Boulevard.

The Blue Angels is one of the infamous aerobatic teams in the world, and they fly in formation at various military and nonmilitary events to showcase pride for the military and its heroes, and to show off some patriotism. These skilled naval aviators fly only 18 inches apart during their Diamond 360 maneuver – crazy!

Although I wasn’t in Dallas for the flyover, it was so much fun to get up early to watch the flyover with some family in Dallas over Facetime, especially since my dad was also a naval aviator, and we know some pilots who were in the Blue Angels. My dad used to fly F/A-18 Hornets, and so we have always tried to swing by their shows when we can to spend time with friends.

The flyover was such a moving tribute to our healthcare workers, and it showcases how united the Dallas community is, and how SMU is an integral part of that community. Dallas is a strong and vibrant city, and the strength of the community continually amazes me. I can’t wait to be back at SMU, and to see how Mustangs can shape the future of Dallas and help those in need. Until then, please stay safe and enjoy your summer!

Pony Up!

Palmer Beldy

SMU Class of 2022

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