Campus Life

They Say Some People Never Leave SMU…

By Ashley Garner

Screen Shot 2013-08-08 at 8.33.54 AMI am proud to say that I am one of those people. Each summer I have spent my break giving back to the SMU community and this summer I have had the pleasure of serving SMU as the 2013 Academic Advising Registration Orientation Student Director. My logistical responsibilities include assigning tasks to the orientation team, reviewing AARO vignettes, and documenting program feedback. In addition, my days are filled with getting AARO leaders ready to welcome new mustangs, answering questions of students and families, and with connecting with SMU faculty and staff. It has truly been a blast meeting the talented class of 2017.

(Pictured above: Our Orientation Staff Retreat Photo at The Hilton Hotel.  Ashley Circled in red).

Screen Shot 2013-08-08 at 8.33.40 AMOn our days off, the orientation team keeps me on my toes with trips to the best restaurants in Dallas, photo shoots at local landmarks, and lots of quality time watching the game show network. One of my favorite adventures was playing Just Dance in the Sony store at Galleria with some of the AARO leaders. We danced right in the window of the store and tons of people stopped by to watch and take pictures, we felt like celebrities!

(Pictured right: Katie Maiers and Ashley learning some moves in the Sony store!)

This summer has indeed kept me busy, and has definitely been one of my favorites. All the good times has made me beyond excited to begin the school year and continue making awesome memories.

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