
Reflections at the Halfway Point

By Laura Spitler

As my junior year is gearing up to start in the next few weeks, I can’t help but marvel at the fact that I’m already half-way through with college (or less if I graduate early!).  It wasn’t too long ago that I was in y’alls shoes- combing over college rankings, admissions websites, and trying to figure out where I would both be happy and receive a wonderful education.  Yet a whole two years at SMU have already flown by, and it’s a bit scary to think that in the blink of an eye I will be a working adult in the “real world.”

Here are some highlights of my first two years:

  • Working two different internships to gain marketing experience.
  • Getting to sit in the front row at the SMU Founder’s Day celebration this year and hear special guest, George W. Bush speak.
  • Convincing Student Senate to fund flights to Boston allowing the Ballroom Dance team (of which I’m captain) to compete at one of the largest collegiate competitions in the U.S., The Harvard Invitational. It was our first out-of-state competition ever!
  • *Spending two months studying abroad in London and getting to visit Paris, Milan, Zurich, Stonehenge, Bath, and more while I was over there…I missed the royal baby’s birth by a week!
  • Becoming super close with all the new friends I’ve made here whether from my residence hall, classes, or extra-curricular activities.
  • And of course, getting to serve as an SMU Ambassador!  I remember hesitantly visiting campus my senior year and my tour guide played a huge part in my decision to come to SMU.  She was so sweet and down-to-earth, and her personal stories she shared made me feel like I could be really happy here.  That experience really made me want to give back to the school by being that pivotal person in other student’s college decisions.

My time at SMU was been wonderful so far, and I can’t wait to see what the future holds.

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