Athletics Campus Life

A Very Centered Start to the Semester

By Elizabeth Eliot
One of the great things about SMU is the opportunity that we have as students to really explore our interests through the variety of classes offered here. Whether you want to expand your horizons in terms of language, the study of history, or art, you can certainly do it! Personally, I’ve chosen to explore the practice of Yoga. Yes. That’s right, Yoga.
At SMU, we have to take a Wellness II class before we graduate. These classes range in variety from individual fitness to golf to scuba to triathlon, a great selection of classes that won’t only challenge us, but that is also very fun! I’m not actually taking Yoga as my requirement—I took self-defense Fall 2010 so don’t mess with me, but just for fun. I think that yoga is a great way to start my day every Tuesday and Thursday, and also a unique form of exercise that I will be taught by a qualified instructor rather than throwing my back out trying to follow a video.
So far we haven’t done any poses that are too extreme, but that doesn’t mean that it’s an easy class by any means! Every day I sweat like a pig and wake up the next morning incredibly sore! I have really gotten into the practice thanks to this class, and the Group X passes at the gym, so I’ve been looking into yoga studios in Denver for when I move home, and have been blown away by how expensive, far away, or inconvenient all of the classes are! Something that until now I have really taken for granted at SMU is how easy it is for the student to do everything that they could possibly want to do here. I will definitely miss that come May 13, 2012 (the day after graduation)!

By Courtney Steele

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