Dedman College of Humanities and Sciences Dedman College Research Events Faculty News

Watch: WFAA, Tower Center forms strategic academic partnership with Latino Center for Leadership Development

WFAA Originally Posted: September 16, 2015 [youtube][/youtube] SMU’s John Goodwin Tower Center for Political Studies has formed a strategic academic partnership with the Latino Center for Leadership Development (Latino CLD). The new Latino CLD-SMU Tower Center will identify and implement policy-focused solutions to the Latino community’s most pressing concerns, from educational and economic opportunities, to […]

DCII Dedman College of Humanities and Sciences

What is College For? An event with Andrew Delbanco

Event Date: 9/24/15 Event Time: 5:50 pm With public anxiety rising about the cost and value of a college education, Andrew Delbanco, professor at Columbia University and author of College: What it Was, Is, and Should Be, will speak about the past, present, and future of a distinctive institution under growing pressure: the American college. […]

Dedman College of Humanities and Sciences Dedman College Research Earth Sciences Events Faculty News

Success! Power Plays: Geothermal Energy in Oil and Gas Fields, the 2015 Conference Summary:

The SMU Geothermal Lab recently hosted its 7th international energy conference Power Plays:Geothermal Energy in Oil and Gas Fields. Along with discussion on generating geothermal energy from oil and gas fields, topics at this year’s event included desalination, flare gas and induced seismicity. A summary of the presentations is available at Read a summery of […]

Dedman College of Humanities and Sciences Dedman College Research Events Faculty News

Geothermal energy conference May 18-20, 2015

The SMU Geothermal Laboratory will host its seventh international energy conference and workshop on the main campus May 19-20, 2015. The conference is designed to promote transition of oil and gas fields to electricity-producing geothermal systems by harnessing waste heat and fluids from both active and abandoned fields. More than 200 professionals – ranging from […]

Dedman College of Humanities and Sciences Events Graduate News Sociology Sociology (Alumni)

Markets and Culture & Sociology Gathering for Students and Alumni

When: Tuesday, March 3rd, 5:00-6:30 Where: Dallas Hall, Room 115 Markets and Culture and Sociology alumni from various career paths will share their insight and perspectives on the job search and how they have been able to leverage their SMU academic and extracurricular experience in their careers. Come as you are and connect with people […]

Anthropology Dedman College of Humanities and Sciences Dedman College Research Events Faculty News

Dallas’ Ebola outbreak fed ‘epidemic of misunderstanding,’ SMU panel says

Dallas Morning News Originally Posted: Feb. 6, 2015 Dallas’ Ebola outbreak may have ended last fall, but the scientific exploration of what happened here has only begun, especially among medical anthropologists. In a two-hour discussion Friday at Southern Methodist University, three such experts sorted through how the crisis evolved, how people responded and the language […]

Dedman College of Humanities and Sciences Dedman College Research Earth Sciences Events Faculty News Graduate News Undergraduate News

Roy M. Huffington Department of Earth Science Presents Dr. Andy Nyblade

Dedman College of Humanities and Sciences Dedman College Research Events Political Science

John Goodwin Tower Center for Political Studies will host Jesus Velasco on Wednesday

Dallas Morning News SMU’s John Goodwin Tower Center for Political Studies will host Jesus Velasco on Wednesday for a seminar titled “The Other Immigrants: Mexican Brain Drain to the USA.” Velasco is an associate professor and the Joe and Teresa Long Endowed Chair in Social Sciences at Tarleton State University. The event will be from […]

Dedman College of Humanities and Sciences Dedman College Research English Events Faculty News Undergraduate News

Rapid Readings Presented by Greg Brownderville and 13 SMU poets

Dedman College of Humanities and Sciences Dedman College Research English Events Graduate News

English Doctoral Lecture Series featuring Julianne Sandberg

EVENT: December 5, 2014 Doctoral Lecture Series featuring Julianne Sandberg. On December 5 Julianne Sandberg will give a talk on “John Donne’s Body and Eucharistic Allegory.” The lecture will be at 3:30pm in 101 Dallas Hall