June 2019 News Perspective Online

Student News

Charles Stokes Scholarship

“When you ask God for a sign, you really need to be prepared for what you’re going to get,” says Jennifer Kilpatrick (M.Div. ’21), because it could potentially be pretty extreme.” For Kilpatrick, the sign was a freak snowfall in New Orleans that came just moments after she received word that she’d been accepted to Perkins School of Theology.

She applied for a Charles Stokes Scholarship to Perkins and received it. “I’m extravagantly blessed,” she said. Listen to  her testimony here, posted to promote a May 6 golf tournament fundraiser:

Through a new partnership between St. Andrew UMC in Plano and Perkins School of Theology at SMU, the Charles Stokes Seminary Education Scholarship Fund provides scholarship funds each year to two qualified applicants who show gifts for a promising future in church leadership,in the amount of $15,000 each. In addition, St. Andrew mentors the students over three years to help develop them into future leaders of the United Methodist Church.


GCAH Awards

Two students have been honored for their work by the General Commission on Archives and History of the United Methodist Church.

An essay by Joyce Vanderlip (M.Div. ’20) won first place in the 2019 John Harrison Ness Memorial Award for student essays. The Commission offers the award to M.Div. students in United Methodist seminaries who submit papers on an aspect of Methodist history. Her paper, “Albert C. Outler: A Builder of Interfaith Relations,” was submitted by Professor Ted Campbell.

Kristina Roth (M.Div. ’20) received the 2019 Women in United Methodist History Writing Award for her paper, “An Analysis of the Work of Georgia Harkness.” Both received cash prizes as part of their awards.