May 2021 News Perspective Online

Office of Enrollment Management: Highlighting More Student Ambassadors

Highlighting Our Student Ambassadors

By The Rev. Margot Perez-Greene, Ph.D.

Dear Friends:

This concludes our spotlight on our splendid Ambassadors for Perkins. These students have been generous with their time, vulnerable in their conversations with prospective students, and compassionate about their Perkins experience. They have contributed of their energy and from their busy schedules to meet with aspiring theological students, and we are forever grateful for their work in the Office of Enrollment Management. Julian and Courtney will be featured in the next virtual recruitment event hosted by Office of Enrollment Management: CONNECT with Perkins: May 20th at 12:30 p.m. Now, meet Courtney and Julian, and enjoy their stories. Perkins is joyous because of them.


Associate Dean of Enrollment Management


Courtney Mitchell: In His Own Words 

“I was inspired to come to Perkins largely by its many alumni who are currently serving as clergy or other faith leaders, as well as the stellar reputation of the Perkins faculty.  The alumni, the professors, and the administration are all such wonderfully kind people, extraordinarily accomplished professionals, and dedicated servants of God.  Having arrived at Perkins, though, I am deeply grateful for the warm and supportive Perkins’s student community.

I had always understood my Christian calling as that of a devoted lay person of the United Methodist Church.  Then I heard God pulling me forward to serve God, the church, and all creation through ordained ministry.  Growing up, I had a passion for stories, for history, and for music.  While practicing law, I constantly searched for more and deeper ways to serve my community and the church, whether through children’s ministry, adult education, or in church leadership, but I never felt satisfied so long as I was not spending all my time on work that was somehow directly devoted to God.  Finally, God insisted that it was time for me to step beyond my role as lay servant and seek new servant leadership through higher religious education and ordination as an elder in the United Methodist Church.

I hope to be ordained as an elder in the United Methodist Church and to serve as a pastor in the Metro District in the North Texas Annual Conference.  I also hope to develop engaging and innovative curriculum for children’s ministry and for adult education that will explore aspects of the Bible and faith that are off the beaten path, and that look at well-traveled subjects in new light. I also hope to engage in intentional and open dialogue with those in our community who hold different beliefs from those of Methodists or Christians.”

Courtney is a first-year Master of Divinity student, and a member at First United Methodist Church in downtown Dallas, Texas.

Julian Hobdy: In His Own Words

“Upon my visit to Perkins and subsequent conversations with staff, faculty, and former and current students, I knew Perkins was the place for me. Perkins has provided me the place to explore my own unique sense of call and continues to provide opportunities for leadership and camaraderie. 

The way I have typically described my call has been to help people come to the “aha!” moments where life and faith connect. That has been true since I surrendered to this sense of call. More specifically, and more recently, I feel a burden to help communities have more substantive conversations on race and justice from a distinctly theological perspective. I envision that call being expressed in the local church, the academy, and in public conversation.

Currently, I am discerning whether I will enter doctoral studies, and if so, in the professional or philosophical category. I also am working on a resource and program to help local churches, school districts, and organizations have brave conversations on race.”

Julian is completing his second year this spring in the Master of Divinity program and serves as Worship Pastor at First Methodist Mansfield in Mansfield, Texas.