April 2019 Faculty News Perspective Online

Faculty Update

Alyce McKenzie translates advice for good preaching into tips for politicians

As Director of the Center for Preaching Excellence, Alyce McKenzie teaches preachers how to have something important to say and to say it well from the pulpit. (Rule one: Don’t bore the hell out of people.) She translates advice for preachers into tips for politicians, in this column in Inside Sources, an online aggregator of opinion pieces. Read it here.



Anthony J. Elia: Libraries aren’t dead – far from it

Futurists have predicted the decline of the library for decades; in the early 2000s, many believed that all books would be digitized or online and the need for libraries would soon disappear.  Instead, there has been a concerted return to and re-emergence of the physical book, a now booming used-book market, a steady decline in e-book sales — and a return to a physical reality of the printed word that many people did not expect, according to Anthony J. Elia, the J.S. Bridwell Foundation Endowed Librarian and Director of Bridwell Library at SMU Dallas.  His column appeared in Inside Sources and the West Virginia Gazette Mail.