Faculty March 2019 News Perspective Online

Faculty Profile: Jeanne Stevenson-Moessner

When the United States marks the 100th anniversary of women’s suffrage in 2020, Jeanne Stevenson-Moessner will be poised to help people at SMU and beyond to celebrate, look back and learn.

She is co-editing a book, Women with 2020 Vision: Theologians on the Vote (1920), Voice, and Vision of Women with Bishop Teresa Jefferson-Snorton, 59th Bishop of the Christian Methodist Episcopal (CME) denomination and the first woman elected to the position. The book will be published in time to mark the anniversary of the ratification of the 19th amendment on August 18, 1920. Fifteen contributors will each write a chapter.

“I think we need to just pause for a moment, in the cacophony and noise, to celebrate the fact that these women, in spite of their differences, pulled off something so incredible,” she said. “We’re not finished yet. We have a long way to go. We need to keep on in the progress toward equal rights, equal pay and equal acknowledgement. But let’s pause to celebrate.

Stevenson-Moessner is also working to assemble a display of artifacts related to the struggle and eventual passage of suffrage, a display to benefit undergraduate students and others at SMU. In recent years, she has collected items such as original newspaper clippings from the 1860s and 1850s covering the conferences of women who worked to help pass the vote. They include newspaper stories about Sojourner Truth’s famous “Ain’t I a Woman?” speech and campaign ephemera advocating for and against women’s suffrage.

How did she come to amass this collection of items? “My daughter is very tech savvy,” she said. “She introduced me to eBay.”

Stevenson-Moessner began collecting the items because she was fascinated by the way women of such diverse backgrounds worked together, successfully, toward the common goal of suffrage. She hopes the display will serve as a reminder of the importance of voting.

“Whether the weather is bad or it’s inconvenient to get out, students need to know how hard fought this was,” she said.

In teaching courses in pastoral theology, Stevenson-Moessner has worked to establish connections that help keep the coursework grounded in the broader community beyond the walls of Perkins. She has trained in a rape crisis center, an addictive disease unit, three domestic violence programs, a community mental health clinic and a child abuse council. She was a three-year resident at Georgia Baptist Hospital in Atlanta and on the staff of a counseling center. For classes on crisis ministry and sexual and domestic violence, she takes students to train in places such as Genesis Women’s Shelter and the Rape Crisis Center at Presbyterian Hospital in Dallas.

“At the Rape Crisis Center, we go into the unoccupied exam rooms and the students undergo training right there with people who specialize in this area,” she said. Staff from local agencies also come occasionally to the classroom to teach.

Stevenson-Moessner is an ordained Presbyterian minister who stays connected with the Grace Presbytery and attends all the ordination and installation services for Perkins students and recent graduates who are Presbyterian. She is also an active member of The Compassionate Friends, a group for people who have lost a child or a sibling. While it relates to her professional work in pastoral theology, in this case the connection is personal. Her son, David Stevenson Moessner, died in a car accident in January 2015.

“When we went through this shattering experience, the Perkins community rallied around us in a way I could never have imagined,” she said. “Without asking, people showed up to clean our house, put away our Christmas decorations and stocked our fridge. The memorial service filled Perkins Chapel. The entire Seminary Singers choir performed. Former students came back. Colleagues stepped forward and taught my classes. I didn’t even ask. I’ve seen Perkins at its finest.”  

Faculty Profile

Jeanne Stevenson-Moessner

Issues in practical theology, pastoral care of women, crisis ministry, pastoral self-care, family systems theory, adoption

Research Interests

Multicultural issues in pastoral care of women, cross-cultural children and their identity formation, the impact of violence on our culture

Favorite Bible Verse

Luke 10:27, which reads, ‘You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your strength, and with all your mind; and your neighbor as yourself.’ It wasn’t until later in life that I actually heard those last two words. We’re not called to love just two but all three – God, neighbor, self. That realization changed my life. I always try to make sure that those three loves are honored. The hardest is love of self.”

Book on the Nightstand

“I’m almost finished with Less by Andrew Sean Greer. It’s a work of fiction; I picked it up in the airport because it won the Pulitzer. I try to read Pulitzer Prize-winning books to help improve my own writing.”

Fantasy Dinner Party

“First, I’d make sure that someone else does the cooking. I want this to be a meal where I can sit and enjoy it. I would like to invite close members of my family who I’ve lost, who have passed over the thin veil of earth to beyond – which I take as heaven. I would just start the conversation by asking, “How have you been?” Then I’d ask, “What is it really like in heaven? Did you ever worry about me or others you left behind? Do you experience any pain? I have an assumption that there’s no regret; there’s healing.”


Husband Rev. Dr. David Paul Moessner holds the A.A. Bradford Chair in Religion at TCU. Daughter Jean McCarley Stevenson Moessner is a graduate of the University of Iowa’s BFA program and now a jeweler in Dubuque. Son, David Stevenson Moessner, who passed away in 2015.


A Pomeranian named Little Bit.


“I’m a seasoned antique sale-er. I go treasure hunting at garage sales and estate sales around Highland Park every Saturday morning.”

Something About You that Most People Don’t Know

“I’m related to Jack Daniels. My grandmother was his niece.”

Signature Dish

Shrimp Creole

Personal Spiritual Practices

Each morning, she reads a passage from Healing After Loss: Daily Meditations for Working Through Grief by Martha Whitmore Hickmann. She also attends a deep conditioning exercise class. “It’s very rigorous; the woman who leads it is like a loving drill sergeant,” she said. “The class helps me to keep my body centered. When I was president of the University Senate (2016-17), I had to carry the University Mace at convocations. It was heavy – 26 pounds – and you carry it down a very long hallway. The women in the class were so supportive and helped me train for that.”

Faculty March 2019 News Perspective Online

Faculty Update

The Rev. Dr. O. Wesley Allen, Jr., Lois Craddock Perkins Professor of Homiletics at Perkins, traveled to Casper, Wyoming, recently as part of a workshop sponsored by the Episcopal Diocese of Wyoming. The 51 lay and ordained attendees exceeded the capacity of the Diocesan office, so the event was moved to another venue, St. Stephen’s Episcopal Church. Attendees included seasoned seminary-trained priests, bi-vocational clergy, licensed lay preachers, students in the Wyoming Iona School and many others interested in improving their preaching.  Allen was one of several instructors there from the Episcopal Preaching Foundation. Read the story here.

March 2019 News Perspective Online

Alumni/ae Update

Wesley House Opportunity

The application deadline has been extended until April 1, 2019, for the Diploma for Theology in Ministry program offered through Perkins School of Theology and Wesley House, Cambridge (England). This unique, international one-year study opportunity is available with scholarship funding for 2019–20 M.Div. graduates and recent Perkins M.Div. alumni/ae. The diploma program offers a “combination of classical theological disciplines taught by world-class academics through the Divinity Faculty of Cambridge University, together with specialist teaching from a confessional perspective delivered by ecumenical partners in Cambridge, in ecumenical classrooms.” For more information, visit our website here.


 No Mercy, No Justice. The Dominant Narrative of America versus the Counter-Narrative of Jesus’ Parables by John Brooks Harrington 

Harrington M.Div. ’94 is an elder in the Central Texas Conference who currently serves as director of the Methodist Justice Ministry, a legal ministry and nonprofit owned by First United Methodist Church of Fort Worth that protects indigent women and children victims of family violence and sexual abuse and provides them financial and pastoral support. Net proceeds of book sales and any speaking honoraria will go directly to the Methodist Justice Ministry. Click here to learn more.


Saints in the Struggle: Church of God in Christ Activists in the Memphis Civil Rights Movement, 1954–1968, by Jonathan Chism

Chism M.Div. ’08 writes about Mason Temple, the headquarters of the Church of God in Christ (COGIC), which looms large in the history of the Civil Rights Movement. The late Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. delivered his last sermon there during the Sanitation Workers Strike on April 3, 1968. This book highlights the unsung contributions made by local activists from the COGIC in the historic strike and the broader civil rights struggle in Memphis. Click here to learn more.



Called: Hearing and Responding to God’s Voice by Susan Robb

Robb M.Div. ‘06 is Senior Associate Minister at Highland Park United Methodist Church in Dallas, where she has been part of the church staff for 17 years. Published by Abingdon Press, the book examines how, throughout the Bible, God interrupts the lives of ordinary men and women, calling and empowering them to lives of service they never could have imagined on their own. A DVD featuring Susan Robb and a comprehensive Leader Guide complete the six-week study. Learn more here.



Retired Bishop Janice Riggle Huie.

In the Media

Retired Bishop Janice Riggle Huie M.Th. ‘73 reflects on resilience in this essay on the Texas Methodist Foundation website. She writes, “I first learned about resilience from my father, a South Texas farmer.” Read the post here.




Alum Award

Congratulations to Cynthia A. Wilson M.S.M. ’86 of Discipleship Ministries for being named a 2019 Women’s History Month Honoree in byFaith magazine! 


Rev. Kelli Williamson (pictured middle) at the Jackson County, Texas, Sheriff’s Office.

Newly Named Chaplain

The Jackson County, Texas, Sheriff’s Office recently announced the addition of its newest team member, the Rev. Kelli Williamson M.Div. ‘08. In this newly created position, Williamson will serve as volunteer chaplain on an on-call basis, as a resource as needed on scene, at death notifications, to support Sheriff’s Office personnel and at community events. Williamson also serves as pastor of First United Methodist Church Edna in Edna, Texas, and as a volunteer firefighter and chaplain for the Jackson County Emergency Services District No. 3 Fire Department.


Amy Spaur presenting at Courageous Leadership Imperative’s Launch 1.0. Photo courtesy of

Pitch Winner

From the Texas Methodist Foundation

Amy Spaur M.Div. ‘14 had one of the winning pitches presented at Courageous Leadership Imperative’s Launch 1.0, a cooperative event with the South Central Jurisdiction Foundations and Bishops designed to create a network for dynamic leaders. She is senior pastor of La Fundición de Cristo/Christ’s Foundry church in Dallas. The Texas Methodist Foundation interviewed her about her pitch: community cooking classes. Learn more about how her pitch idea is becoming a reality, and hear the outcomes she hopes to see here.


Josiah Montgomery travels from Fort Worth to Abilene to serve as organist at Episcopal Church of the Heavenly Rest. Photo by Greg Jaklewicz.

Pipe Dreams

As many pastors already know, a good organist is hard to find. The number of trained organists is declining, especially as smaller universities downsize their offerings and degrees in music in performance. Josiah Montgomery M.T.S. ‘18 is in high demand and drives from Fort Worth every weekend, sometimes more often, to play the organ at Episcopal Church of the Heavenly Rest in Abilene. Read the story in the Abilene Reporter-News here.



Rev. Bruce Weaver B.D. ’47 passed away on February 18, 2019, in his home in Carrollton, Texas, near Dallas, at the age of 97. He was the Perkins Distinguished Alum in 2001 and a leader in the North Texas conference and the global church. Read his UMNS obituary here.





Rev. Robert A. Simpson M.Th. ’53 passed away on February 9, 2019, in his home at the age of 93. He was a member of the North Arkansas Conference who helped to open Camp Tanako and served the Stanford Charge (near Paragould), Rose City. He was also a chaplain for the Veterans Administration in Iowa and Texas. He retired in 1983. A Service of Death and Resurrection was held on February 12 at First UMC Sheridan.



Pastor Albert James Rymph II, 93, passed away on February 16, 2019, at Asbury Park in Newton, Kansas. He earned a Master of Theology degree from Perkins in 1955. During Pastor Rymph’s ministerial career, he served numerous congregations and communities throughout much of central and western Kansas, including First Methodist Church, Copeland; Ebenezer and Green Methodist Churches, near Clay Center; Mount Olivet and Saint Luke Methodist Churches, Wichita; First Methodist Church, Kingman; Trinity United Methodist Church, Russell; First United Methodist Church, El Dorado; First United Methodist Church, Beloit; First United Methodist Church, Dodge City; and First United Methodist Church, Ulysses.

February 2019 News Perspective Online

A Message from Dean Hill

I have been contemplating two contradictory aphorisms as we approach this month’s called United Methodist General Conference in St. Louis, a meeting that will deal with the highly contentious issue of human sexuality: “Change is the only constant,” and “Some things never change.”

Perkins has undergone considerable change in recent years, such as the revamping of the Houston-Galveston program and the creation of elective concentrations at other professional schools within SMU. In many essential respects, however, Perkins remains the same. One thing that has not altered is its abiding commitment to serve the Methodist Church, whatever its institutional forms (the UMC, of course, but also CME, AME, AMEZ and others). That mission is central though not exclusive: We are committed to preparing “women and men for faithful leadership in Christian ministry,” irrespective of denominational affiliation. Moreover, that preparation includes not only our degree programs but also the Course of Study School and encompasses the ministry of both clergy and laity.

It is important to remember that change is more or less a constant throughout church history, whether for good or for ill. Most dramatically, one thinks of the great East-West Schism of 1054, when the Catholic and Eastern Orthodox Churches formally broke communion, and of the Protestant Reformation five centuries later. Even in the New Testament period, there is evidence of at least significant tension between different Christian groups, if not open separation, such as actually did occur in the second century.

The history of modern Protestantism in particular, with its less centralized authority, is a case study in diverse opinion. The current situation within the United Methodist Church is, in that respect, nothing new. There have been countless such disputes in the past, and doubtless there will be others in the future. Fortunately, many did not result in open division, but instead led in time to less disruptive but still significant change. In the case of the UMC, two such transformations involved moments of restoration and renewal, first in 1939 (the reunification of Northern and Southern churches) and then in 1968 (the merger of the Evangelical United Brethren and the Methodist Church).

Although the history of disagreement within the church is not particularly encouraging, there is consolation to be found. Across all centuries, the one universal church has endured – and so we believe will continue to endure. Though I am a cradle Methodist, I am grateful that the body of Christ is something so much larger and greater than the UMC. No denomination contains the whole of God’s church.

From its inception, Perkins School of Theology has sought to serve that whole, undivided church, not simply one fraction or faction of it. Our history is one of inclusion: Perkins led the way in 1952 with the admission of five African-American students, resulting in the racial integration of Southern Methodist University two years before the landmark Brown v. the Board of Education of Topeka. Students representing dozens of denominations – Wesleyan in heritage and many others besides, including Roman Catholic and Orthodox – have attended SMU’s School of Theology over the past century. Nothing that happens at General Conference will change that. Already, we are a diverse community that welcomes students, staff and faculty from a wide range of traditions and perspectives. We see this as both an abiding strength and a positive goal. This is in concert with the commitments of the larger institution in which we are imbedded, Southern Methodist University, whose nondiscrimination statement reads as follows:

Southern Methodist University (SMU) will not discriminate in any employment practice, education program, education activity or admissions on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, sex, age, disability, genetic information or veteran status. SMU’s commitment to equal opportunity includes nondiscrimination on the basis of sexual orientation and gender identity and expression.

I often tell prospective students that, yes, they will leave Perkins with a deeper and clearer understanding of their own beliefs. That is to be expected. Less obvious but just as important is the need to leave with a deeper, a clearer and a more empathetic understanding of those who hold different beliefs. The church (and the wider world, for that matter) needs leaders able to comprehend other viewpoints and to recognize that they are not the only ones possessing integrity, intelligence and faith. We need leaders who see others first as persons and not as theological or ideological positions, who therefore can transcend boundaries and can find common ground where it exists. That kind of leadership is learned in a place where it is actually practiced, not in an echo chamber where one hears only reinforcing voices, and where outsiders are demonized and dismissed. One of the most remarkable things about Jesus was his continual recognition of outsiders, of “the other” – Samaritans, lepers, centurions, tax collectors, women, the poor – as persons worthy of love, attention and even sacrifice. For his disciples, disagreement can never justify depersonalization.

The simple fact is that none of us is always right about everything, and none of us is always wrong. I have taught with a very wide spectrum of colleagues over three decades, and as far apart as we might have been on some vital issues, there wasn’t one of them from whom I didn’t learn something important. So I challenge incoming students to see what each individual at Perkins has to teach them. (Seeing where they disagree is invariably the easy part.) All of us are more limited in our understanding than we can possibly grasp, and all of us need others to help us to comprehend what we otherwise could not know. A little intellectual humility goes a long way.

But the value of a learning community like Perkins is not simply pragmatic. After all, Jesus did not command us merely to tolerate one another. The standard he set us is to love even those with whom we are most at odds. “’If you love those who love you, what credit is that to you? Even sinners love those who love them’” (Luke 6:32). We might paraphrase, “If you associate only with those who agree with you, what more are you doing than anyone else?” There are fewer and fewer places where it is possible both to learn from and to influence persons of varied opinion, much less to get to know them as unique individuals and, in Christ, to come to love them. The goal is not to turn out students who all think alike, but to turn out students who think both deeply and broadly and who understand and care for others, however different they might be.

In service to and modeling the example of Jesus himself, this is the kind of community Perkins strives to be. We warmly welcome everyone and, whatever the future form of the United Methodist Church, for which we profoundly care and daily pray, we will continue to do so. That, too, remains a constant.

Grace and peace,
Craig C. Hill

February 2019 News Perspective Online

Office of Enrollment: Recruitment Schedule

The new year is off to a productive start for the Office of Enrollment Management. Staff members have already traveled to half a dozen campuses and events in January, with many more visits planned for February and the remainder of the semester.

Members of the Perkins community are invited to follow the schedule of upcoming visits and to alert the staff of potential connections.

“If we’re visiting a place where you know someone we should talk to – a faculty member, a personal connection, a student with an interest in Perkins – please let us know, and we’ll be sure to follow up,” said Margot Perez-Greene, Associate Dean for Enrollment Management.

Do you know a prospective student who is considering graduate theological education? Refer someone here or alert them to on-site information events through Inside Perkins.

Here is the Office of Enrollment Management’s recruitment travel schedule for January and February:

January 2-5
National Festival of Young Preachers
Caleb Palmer

January 13-15
UMC Lead Conference (New Orleans, La.)
John Lowery

January 16
Louisiana State University Wesley Foundation (Baton Rouge, La.)
John Lowery

January 17
Lakeview Summer Camp
John Lowery and Caleb Palmer

January 24
Texas College (Tyler, Texas)
John Lowery

January 24-26
Calvin College Worship Symposium
Caleb Palmer

January 29-30
Southwestern University (Winfield, Kan.)
John Lowery

January 31-February 5
Belmont University Wesley Foundation,
Vanderbilt University
and Nashville area tour
Caleb Palmer

February 5
Prairie View A&M (61st Annual Ministers Conference)
John Lowery

February 6
Texas Southern University
Texas Wesleyan Foundation
Stephen Bagby

February 14 (tentative)
Midwestern State University
Caleb Palmer

February 15-17
Mississippi Statewide Wesley Foundation (Morton, Miss.)
John Lowery

February 18-21
Samuel DeWitt Proctor Conference
Caleb Palmer

February 21-23
Texas State University Wesley Foundation Mission Dinner
and area tour (University of Texas – San Antonio, LaFe Intervarsity, Texas Lutheran University)
Caleb Palmer

February 22-24
All-Campus Wesley Retreat (Van, Texas)
Central Texas Conference
John Lowery and Stephen Bagby

February 2019 News Perspective Online

Office of Development: Perkins Facilities and Capital Projects

Noise fills the air around Perkins! Usually we desire peaceful, quiet surroundings so that reading, conversation and contemplation can take place. But sometimes noise is good, when it means that our facilities are becoming even more useful, accessible and productive. That is what is happening right now.

Bridwell Library. Thanks to a substantial gift from the J.S. Bridwell Foundation of Wichita Falls, Texas, a long-planned renovation is taking place. Interior work has begun, and soon exterior construction will commence to create an accessible front entrance allowing people with mobility issues access to the building from the Quad (south) side. In addition, a new elevator is being installed at the front of the building for easy access to all areas of the library by everyone.

You will see a number of other changes. The circulation desk will be moved toward the front door so that patrons can receive help finding their way around the library. New lighting, signage and other accessibility features including restroom updates will be installed. Doctoral carrels will be relocated and storage enhanced.

Perkins Chapel. A steam leak last spring caused damage in Perkins Chapel. Unfortunately, the damage included the organ. Fortunately, some of the damage will be covered by insurance. Dean Craig Hill and the SMU administration have decided not only to fix the damage, but also make upgrades in the Chapel infrastructure. Last fall, the Chapel closed while the painting was repaired. In the fall of 2019, floors will be refinished, pews renewed and a new sound system installed. In a final phase, time yet to be determined, video capabilities will be installed along with HVAC improvements. A wonderful $931,000 gift allowed us to start the project, which will total approximately $3 million, including the organ.

New Parking Center. All who traverse the SMU campus know that parking is at a premium. A new parking facility is being constructed on the west side of Perkins behind Prothro, Selecman and Kirby halls. The facility will be jointly used by SMU and Highland Park United Methodist Church, as is the case with a number of parking facilities on campus. Although the construction makes getting around on campus temporarily less convenient, a finished, ultramodern parking facility will make life easier for decades to come.

We can all be thankful to be a part of the SMU community, which continues to thrive. I am thankful for supporters, past and present, who have and are giving resources so that our facilities are second to none.

With a thankful heart,

John Martin
Director of Development
Perkins School of Theology

February 2019 News Perspective Online

Baptist House of Studies

As a United Methodist affiliated institution committed to ecumenism, Perkins has always attracted a diverse body of students. Now there’s a place at Perkins for Baptist students to call home while connecting with the broader Baptist world.

Initiated in 2018, the Baptist House of Studies is building a community for Baptist students to learn about their tradition and a network of resources to support them in their path toward ordination or other professional positions in Baptist churches.

“The Baptist House’s offerings will be multipronged, but the first aim is to signal to the world that Perkins is interested in welcoming Baptist students who want a seminary education,” said Jaime Clark-Soles, director of the Baptist House and professor of New Testament at Perkins.

Clark-Soles, an ordained American Baptist minister, was invited by Perkins Dean Craig Hill in July to launch the Baptist House of Studies, with help from fellow faculty member Isabel Docampo and George Mason, senior pastor of Wilshire Baptist Church in Dallas. Organizers are planning a February 25 kickoff gathering at Mason’s home, with Dallas-area Baptist leaders as well as leaders from other congregational traditions

“Many of us outside the Baptist tradition don’t realize what a wide range of denominations and churches exists under the Baptist umbrella,” said Perkins Dean Craig Hill. “There are many Baptist students who will fit quite comfortably at Perkins, who want the education we offer, and who will bring important insights and perspectives to our community. We are eager to serve and to learn from them.”

Ecumenical education

Organizers say that having a Baptist House on campus will give all Perkins students an opportunity to benefit from the distinctive emphases of the Baptist tradition, including freedom of religion, freedom of individual believers to interpret the Bible, “soul freedom” (engaging God according to one’s conscience without coercion by human authorities) and church freedom (i.e., the autonomy of local congregations).

“Baptists will learn greatly from their United Methodist sisters and brothers, understanding their perspectives and reflecting on the differences and similarities, and vice versa,” said Mason, who is a longtime leader in the Cooperative Baptist Fellowship. “In an increasingly pluralist world, they will need to find common cause with Christians wearing other uniforms rather than huddling up only with their own team.”

Plans are underway for Mason to teach a course in Baptist history and polity in the 2020-21 school year and to establish connections with a variety of Baptist churches, denominations, agencies and institutions.

“We’re building relationships with churches that will partner with us to set up internships and other opportunities for Baptist students,” said Docampo, director of The Center for the Study of Latino/a Christianity and Religions at Perkins.

Given that Baptist congregations are autonomous, Baptist pastors aren’t appointed by a connectional system. That means they must seek employment individually and, for Baptist pastors, handle some additional responsibilities. By connecting Baptist students to Baptist conferences, retreats and educational opportunities, the Baptist House will assist these students in networking, preparing for and fulfilling their call.

The Baptist House of Studies will also provide spiritual formation, mentoring and preparation for ordination for students as well as special programming open to all Perkins students, SMU, the Metroplex community and beyond.

“We’ve always had a few Baptist students at Perkins,” said Docampo, who is an American Baptist. “Part of this is about being intentional about creating a community and opportunities for them.”

While welcoming all Baptist students, the program will also help fill a niche by serving students affiliated with moderate to progressive Baptist traditions, such as the Alliance of Baptists, Cooperative Baptist Fellowship, Baptist Peace Fellowship and American Baptist Churches USA. While there are Baptist-affiliated theology schools in the North Texas area – such as Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary in Fort Worth – most are affiliated with the Southern Baptist Convention.

Docampo thinks the niche offers many possibilities for broadening Perkins’ reach.

“As a Latina feminist who is also very progressive, I’m excited about the prospect of creating a community that will nurture people in the Latinx community,” Docampo said.

British concept

The “house of studies” concept originated in British universities; in the U.S., several seminaries have a Baptist House of Studies, including Emory, Duke, Vanderbilt and Brite Divinity. The Baptist House of Studies doesn’t occupy a physical space – although that’s a possibility down the road. Instead, it is creating a network for fellowship, support and resources for Baptist students. And given the large number of Baptists in Texas, Clark-Soles said, the field is ripe for harvest.

“This will assist in the recruitment of Baptist students to Perkins by assuring them that they can get what they need to serve well as Baptist ministers,” she said. “At the same time, they’ll benefit from the vast resources of Perkins and SMU, in the setting of a large metropolitan area with many arts and cultural offerings.”

Mason adds that the presence of the Baptist House of Studies at Perkins will also benefit students from other congregationally autonomous traditions.

“The Baptist House will also offer hospitality for our free church cousins in denominations like the United Church of Christ (UCC), Disciples of Christ, Anabaptist (Mennonite) and nondenominational churches, all of which operate within a basic congregational polity,” said Mason.

While Baptist students at Perkins will be the first priority, leaders also hope the Baptist House will evolve into a connecting point that could bring Baptist leaders, laypeople and the wider community to the SMU campus for special events. Fall 2019 will see Amanda Tyler, executive director of the Baptist Joint Committee, speak on religious freedom at Perkins. The Baptist House of Studies will host the Baptist-affiliated Shurden Lectures at Perkins in the spring of 2020.

Said Clark-Soles: “I see no reason not to dream big and see where it takes us!”

February 2019 News Perspective Online

Global Theological Education Immersion Trips

Deborah Creagh recalled the feeling of “walking where Jesus walked” on stones where his feet might have trod. Zach Hughes will always remember the resiliency and strength of the people he met in El Salvador who are working for justice. Ashley Smith will never forget an unexpected encounter in a museum that confronted her with the reality of life in Palestine.

Creagh, Hughes and Smith are among those in the Perkins community who returned to campus this semester with heartfelt memories and fresh perspectives, following their travels on the 2019 January term Global Theological Education Immersion Trips to El Salvador and Israel/Palestine.

A group of 15 students journeyed to the Middle East for the Israel/Palestine trip, led by faculty members Jaime Clark-Soles (Lead Teacher) and Robert Hunt (“Tour Wrangler”) from January 1-16. Another group of 13 students, led by Hal Recinos, traveled to El Salvador to meet with human rights groups and faith groups, January 6-13.

The trips gave students the chance to meet people and gain a better understanding of conflicts and problems in each region. Many students came home with a renewed determination to serve.

“The trip has really stirred something in me,” said Smith, an M.Div. student who traveled to Israel/Palestine. “The conflict is real, and it’s still happening today. I came home with passion and energy to read and research more, and I hope to get back there.


Participants on the 16-day Israel/Palestine trip visited Tel Aviv, Jerusalem, Bethlehem, Megiddo, Nablus, Taybeh, Nazareth and Cana, among others, with a side trip to Petra, Jordan. Also on the itinerary were key sites that figure prominently in the life of Jesus, including Manger Square, the Garden of Gethsemane and the Sea of Galilee.

“Experiencing and seeing where things occurred in the Bible in real time made Scripture come alive,” said Deborah Creagh, an M.Div. student who will graduate in May. “It provided the frame for the stories and verses that had only been in my imagination.”

Some participants were surprised by the close proximity of the biblical landmarks.

“Coming from the U.S. – especially Texas – it seems they are all a stone’s throw away from one another,” said Kurt Maerschel, an M.Div. student who will graduate in 2019.

Students say the trip gave them a better understanding of the conflict between Israel and  Palestine – and how it affects ordinary citizens in both communities. For Smith, that moment came at an exhibit in the Walled Off Hotel in the Palestinian territories. While she was viewing the exhibit, a phone began to ring insistently. Finally, she picked up the receiver and heard a voice warning, “You have five minutes to evacuate your home before the missile comes.” Echoing phone alerts from the Israeli army before attacks, the call was designed to give visitors a sense of the peril of life in Palestinian communities. Smith said she stood for several moments, holding the phone, stunned. Seeing her tears of dismay, a Palestinian woman hugged her.

“I think it helps when we take God out of a box that we put God in, and just meet people where they are and for who they are,” Smith said.

“Because of the Global Theological Education Immersion course, I now know people personally on both sides of the conflict,” Creagh said. “My prayers have changed to be for those on both sides of the wall.”

El Salvador

For the past 15 years, human rights groups in El Salvador have received delegations of Perkins students, thanks to connections forged through the work of Hal Recinos, Perkins Professor of Church and Society. This year’s trip took students to San Salvador and other communities around El Salvador.

The group met with Pro-Búsqueda, a San Salvador-based association of Salvadoran families who have suffered from the forced disappearance of their sons and daughters due to the civil war in El Salvador.

Zach Hughes, an M.Div. student on the trip, was heartened by Pro-Búsqueda’s success stories.

“The director told us of an instance where they reconnected a young man, orphaned during the civil war and then adopted by a family in Australia, with his Salvadoran mother,” he said. “She confirmed that his nightmares of war were in fact memories of the day they were separated.”

Group members also met with several Christian Base Communities of El Salvador (Basic Ecclesial Communities of El Salvador), in San Salvador and in the Department of Morazán, to discuss human rights and building a culture of peace. (Departments are municipalities, akin to provinces, in El Salvador.) The group also visited El Mozote, site of a massacre in 1981, in which the Salvadoran Army killed more than 1,200 civilians.

“Students heard firsthand from a village member about the military war crimes that took place and cost the lives of innocent men, women and children,” Recinos said.

The group met with Rev. Medardo Gomez, Lutheran Bishop of El Salvador, human rights activist and four-time Nobel Peace Prize nominee, and the Tata (Chief) of the Lenca people in the Department of Morazán. While visiting the Lenca people, they participated in a ritual of cleansing with the community, enjoyed a communal meal and heard about the state of indigenous rights, and social, economic, cultural and spiritual development among the Lenca.   Some students played soccer with the village children in a cow patch; some of the female students danced with the village girls.

The group also met with staff and students at one of the Romero Center Schools to discuss the role of education in breaking the spiral of violence, producing a culture of peace and anti-gang prevention. Recinos co-founded the Romero Center, which supports five schools in marginal communities in El Salvador.

Recinos says he hopes the experience gave students perspectives on both politics and faith, and how they relate in facing El Salvador’s challenges.

“By entering into conversation with the people of El Salvador, students get in touch with the push factors responsible for forcing flight from Central America to the United States,” he said. “Moreover, they learn that Jesus, who was born on the road, had nowhere to lay his head and lived each day in the shadow of death, is the one who urges us to serve those who are thirsty, hungry, ill and outcast.”

Summer 2019

Registration is now open for two immersion trips planned for the summer term: the San Diego Borderlands Immersion (May 19-30) with Susanne Johnson, in conjunction with the Center for the Study of Latinx Christianity; and an England/Wesley Immersion led by Ted Campbell (July 10-22).

February 2019 News Perspective Online

Perkins School of Youth Ministry

By the time the Perkins youth ministry conference concluded, Rev. Elizabeth Murray had a newly crafted sermon in hand and a strategy for helping a shy young person at her church feel more connected to the youth group.

“I got much more than just theory,” said Murray, who is Youth Minister at Lexington United Methodist in Lexington, S.C. “I left the conference with a To Do list and some tangible ideas to use right away.”

Perkins School of Youth Ministry Conference. Photo by G. Rogers, SMU Photography.

Murray was one of about 175 youth ministers and workers from 11 states and seven annual conferences who traveled to Dallas for the annual Perkins School of Youth Ministry, held January 7-10 at Highland Park United Methodist Church.

With the theme “Breathe,” the gathering gave youth ministry staffers a place for fellowship as well as practical instruction.

“We have a core group of participants who come year after year,” said Bart Patton, the conference coordinator. “The conference has evolved into a community of learning, where people are excited to not only to grow, but also to be around a group of others who ‘get’ what they do.”

Participants chose from one of three options: Foundations Training covering ministry basics like curriculum, budgeting, organization, programming and safety; four workshops, each focusing on a key area (practice of youth ministry, theology of youth ministry, spiritual leadership in youth ministry and congregational youth ministry); or Youth Ministry Certification courses for those pursuing Certification in Youth Ministry through the General Board of Higher Education and Ministry of the UMC.

The Foundations course was ideal for Nautica Washington. She was just a week into her job as Communications & Youth Coordinator at Walnut Hill United Methodist Church in Dallas when the conference began.

“I learned behind-the-scenes things such as budgeting, planning mission trips and communicating with the church – other staff members as well as the congregation,” she said. “That’s allowing me to focus on what’s more important, which is helping youth grow in their faith.”

About 95 percent of conference participants come from United Methodist or pan-Methodist churches. Murray, who has attended other youth ministry conferences, appreciated that Wesleyan focus.

“Sometimes I have to kind of pick and choose from what I hear at other conferences, which may be more skewed to megachurches with hundreds of youth and large staffs,” she said. “At the Perkins event, you felt like everyone was on the same page. Everything I gleaned was relevant.”

Patton, who is Director of Youth and Young Adult Ministry Education at Perkins, says that, while the Dallas conference is the flagship, the conference program will also be offered in Houston in May and in Eastern Pennsylvania in November to make the curriculum available to more youth ministers. For 2020, conference leaders plan to offer an option for participants to self-submit topics for workshops they’d like to teach themselves.

Perkins School of Youth Ministry Conference. Photo by G. Rogers, SMU Photography.

“We’re listening to the leaders who are emerging from our own community,” he said. “It’s part of our commitment to be a true learning community.”

A key focus of this year’s conference was to encourage youth ministers to have the confidence and skills to involve the entire congregation in youth ministry, rather than viewing youth programs as separate.

“Some of our youth ministers feel alone, isolated and overwhelmed,” he said. “They’re tasked to do a job that was never designed to be done by one person. We’re moving away from models that emphasize entertainment and toward more sustainable models for spiritual formation and discipleship.”

“What I took away most was finding out that most other youth directors go through the same challenges that I do, even the ones who have been doing this for a while,” said Kaitlyn Jackson, Director of Youth Discipleship at St. Barnabas United Methodist in Arlington, Texas.

All of the participants interviewed for this story said they plan to return next year. Following the advice of course leaders, Washington set up a meeting with her church’s pastor immediately upon her return. One of the first items of business in that meeting was asking to make room in the budget for her to return to the conference next year.

“The conference showed me that I don’t have to do youth ministry on my own,” she said. “We’re a community with so many resources, and we can nurture and support one another.”

February 2019 News Perspective Online

The Art of Servant Leadership

A newly installed art display in Prothro Hall offers visitors a chance to contemplate the story of Jesus washing the feet of his disciples, inviting consideration of how the ancient biblical story speaks to the here and now.

The display centers on a painting by Luke Allsbrook, the artist whose modern nativity scene has been on display in Prothro Hall for the past year and a half.  Titled “Jesus Washes the Disciples’ Feet,” the 2018 oil on canvas painting measures 68 inches by 80 inches and depicts the moving scene described in John 13. The piece is on loan from Allsbrook.

Next to the painting is a montage of photos of students, faculty and other members of the Perkins community involved in service projects in their churches and communities.

“The idea is to show the foot washing along with modern expressions of it, with photos of Perkins people actually engaged in acts of service, reflecting how that model is being lived out contemporaneously,” said Dean Craig Hill.

Hill added that he especially appreciates Allsbrook’s detailed depiction of the facial expressions of the disciples, who were dismayed and confused by Jesus’ actions.

“What readers of the Bible often miss about the story is its inherent scandal,” Hill said. “To wash someone’s feet was a public demonstration and confirmation of your low status, typically performed by the least important person in the household. Luke’s painting captures the disciples’ puzzlement and concern in a way that very few artists have. It is remarkably poignant and thought-provoking.”