News Perspective Online September 2023

Alumni Updates


Rachel Mumaw

Rachel Mumaw (M.Div. ’23) is the newest pastoral resident at Second Baptist Church in Liberty, Missouri. Rachel is getting married in September to her fiancé, Noah, and will start her new position on Oct. 2.


Dr. Charles Barker

Dr. Charles Barker, (d. June 2023), Perkins Alum (M.T.S. ’14), who initiated moves in making DFW a compassionate city following the Charter for Compassion and who served as President of Compassionate DFW for many years, was given the Karen Armstrong Humanitarian Award at a banquet during the Parliament to the World’s Religion in Chicago. His beloved spouse, Conoly, flew in from Dallas and attended the Parliament banquet in his honor to receive the posthumous award in his stead.

Dr. Christinah Kwaramba

Dr. Christinah Kwaramba’s (M.T.S. ’09) work in Clinical Pastoral Education was featured in an article on the General Board of Higher Education and Ministry’s website.



Laura Cooper Fitzgibbon

Laura Cooper Fitzgibbon (M.Div. ’07) has accepted a call to Manassas Presbyterian Church in northern Virginia, beginning Sept. 15.