December 2024 News Perspective Online

AAR-SBL Annual Meetings

Members of the Perkins and SMU communities were well-represented when the world’s largest gathering of scholars interested in the study of religion convened November 23-26 in San Diego.

The 2024 Annual Meetings, hosted by the American Academy of Religion and the Society of Biblical Literature, featured more than 900 academic sessions, workshops, meetings, receptions, tours, and other events. Approximately 7,000 attendees participated. The Annual Meetings provide opportunities to engage with leading scholars and scholarship within the field of religion.

As the gathering concluded, alumni and friends reconnected at a reception hosted by Southern Methodist University and Perkins School of Theology.

One session, hosted by the Society of Buddhist-Christian Studies (SBCS), was a special tribute to former SBCS president, Perkins faculty member and Zen Rōshi, Ruben Habito, for his many significant contributions to Buddhist-Christian Studies. Panelists addressed various aspects of Habito’s work, such as multiple religious belonging, the healing character of Buddhism and Christianity, Zen and the Ignatian Spiritual Exercises, as well as the intersection between Zen, spirituality, and Christian trinitarian reflection. A response-reflection from Habito himself concluded the session.

In total, faculty and students from Perkins School of Theology and Moody School of Graduate Studies at SMU presented, presided, responded, or served as panelists at more than two dozen sessions at the meeting. They included:

Hymn Society in the United States and Canada

Theme: Pub Sing!

Fernando Berwig Silva, Southern Methodist University

Niebuhr Society

Theme: Book Panel on The Future of Christian Realism: International Conflict, Political Decay, and the Crisis of Democracy (Lexington, 2023)

Rebekah Miles, Perkins School of Theology | Southern Methodist University – Responding

Ethics Unit

Theme: Technology as an Existential Threat

Lindsey Johnson Edwards, Southern Methodist University — Presenter

Oh Death, Where Is Your Sting: Medical Aid in Dying as an Ars Moriendi

Teaching Religion Unit

Theme: Teaching Tactics

Jill De Temple, Southern Methodist University — Presenter

Teaching Tactic/Gift Exchange: Dialogic Moment

Women and Religion Unit

Theme: Feminist Intersectional Approaches to Transforming Violence: Perspectives from Emerging Scholars

Natalie Readnour, Southern Methodist University — Presenter

Connecting to God After Abuse: Altars of La Virgen de Guadelupe Among Survivors of IPV

Open and Relational Theologies Unit

Theme: Author Meets Readers: Tom Oord’s The Death of Omnipotence and Birth of Amipotence

Karen Baker-Fletcher, Perkins School of Theology | Southern Methodist University – Panelist

Practical Theology Unit

Theme: Re-membering the Pioneers: Honoring Feminist and Womanist Practical Theologians

Jeanne Stevenson-Moessner, Perkins School of Theology | Southern Methodist University – Panelist

Evelyn Parker, Perkins School of Theology (Emeritus) | Southern Methodist University – Panelist

Pragmatism and Empiricism in American Religious Thought Unit and Transformative Scholarship and Pedagogy Unit

Theme: Pragmatism and Empiricism in American Religious Thought Unit and Transformative Scholarship and Pedagogy Unit Papers Session

Jill De Temple, Southern Methodist University — Presenter

Dialogic Classrooms as Pathways to Democratic Habits in Uncertain Times

Hymn Society in the United States and Canada

Theme: Singing Peace to Violence

Fernando Berwig Silva, Southern Methodist University – Panelist

Society for Buddhist-Christian Studies

Theme: Reflecting on Buddhist-Christian Double Belonging: A 2024 Update

Ruben L.F. Habito, Perkins School of Theology | Southern Methodist University – Presenter

Problems and Perils of Multiple Religious Belonging

Postcolonial Studies and Biblical Studies / Asian and Asian-American Hermeneutics / African Biblical Hermeneutics

Theme: Bible Translation and Decolonization in Global Contexts

Abraham Smith, Perkins School of Theology | Southern Methodist University – Panelist

Book of Acts / African-American Biblical Hermeneutics

Theme: Book Review of Jeremy Williams’s “Criminalization in Acts of the Apostles: Race, Rhetoric, and Christian Prosecution”

Abraham Smith, Perkins School of Theology | Southern Methodist University – Panelist

Bible and Film

Theme: Bible, Genre, and Film

Rob Kranz, Southern Methodist University – Presenter

The Perils of Jephthah’s Daughter

Latina/o Religion, Culture, and Society Unit

Theme: Borderlands, Liminal Spaces, and Religion: Latinx/Caribbean Perspectives on Gender, Sexuality, Violence, and Identity

Natalie Readnour, Southern Methodist University — Presenter

Women Giving Birth to Themselves: Liminal Motherhood and Liberation in the Work of Ada Maria Isasi-Diaz and Frida Kahlo


Hinduism Unit

Theme: New Books in Hindu Studies

Steven Lindquist, Southern Methodist University – Panelist

Bible in America

Theme: The Christian Nationalist Agenda for Bible in Public Education

Mark Chancey, Southern Methodist University – Panelist


Feminist Hermeneutics of the Bible / LGBTI/Queer Hermeneutics

Theme: Masculinity Studies in Biblical Scholarship: Feminist, Womanist, and Queer Assessments

Susanne Scholz, Perkins School of Theology | Southern Methodist University – Panelist

Society for Buddhist-Christian Studies

Theme: Honoring Ruben Habito’s Many Contributions to Buddhist-Christian Studies

Karen Baker-Fletcher, Perkins School of Theology | Southern Methodist University – Presenter

Ruben Habito on Zen, Spirituality, and Christian Theology

Ruben L.F. Habito, Perkins School of Theology | Southern Methodist University – Responding

Bible in America

Review Panel: Claudia Setzer, The Progressives’ Bible (Fortress Press, 2024)

Mark Chancey, Southern Methodist University – Presiding

South Asian Religions Unit

Theme: Life Stories in the Lives of Texts: Reconsidering Biography and Hagiography in South Asian Religions

Steven Lindquist, Southern Methodist University – Presenter

Lifestyles of the Rsi and Famous: Proto-Biographical Narrative in Late Vedic Literature

Wesleyan and Methodist Studies Unit

Theme: The Reception History of the Wesleys

Emily Nelms Chastain, Perkins School of Theology | Southern Methodist University – Presenter

Reviving the Radical: The Legacy of the Methodist Student Movement within Wesleyan Tradition

Priscilla Pope-Levison, Perkins School of Theology | Southern Methodist University – Responding


Bible and Visual Art

Theme: Bible and Visual Art

Susanne Scholz, Perkins School of Theology | Southern Methodist University – Presenter

The Eyes of Leah (Gen. 29:17) in the Abstract Artwork of Yehuda Levy-Aldema

Economics in the Biblical World

Theme: Open Session

Jon Carman, Southern Methodist University – Presenter

The Denarius Wasn’t Worth a Day’s Wage

Critical Carceral Studies and the Bible

Special session exploring scholarship at the nexus of critical carceral studies and biblical studies

Abraham Smith, Perkins School of Theology | Southern Methodist University – Panelist