
When I have business within my own area or with another area of the University, how will I know whom to contact given the position eliminations?

In order to respect the privacy and dignity of our community members in affected positions throughout their transition, we will not be posting or sharing lists of names publicly. In the days that follow notifications in your area, your vice president or dean will be sharing a new organizational structure that will help clarify roles going forward, and if you have any additional questions, your dean or vice president will have the best information.


If my position is eliminated and I choose to retire, will I still be eligible for the severance package?

If an employee’s position is eliminated, he or she will be eligible to receive the severance package, regardless of his or her eligibility for retirement. The decision to retire is separate and does not affect receipt of the standard outplacement compensation and benefits. If you are interested in retiring from SMU, more information can be found here:


Why are employees in positions affected by the Organization Design Initiative being notified over six weeks instead of a shorter timeline?

Final approval of the University’s organizational design plan was given on January 12, 2015. Since then, HR has been working with senior leaders to arrange conversations as quickly as possible. A great deal of care and effort is put into preparing for these meetings in order to share complete information with affected employees when they are notified about their positions. Notification meetings are designed to not only share a high level of detail, but provide answers to employees’ questions, and therefore take more time.


What changes are being contemplated in managerial structure, and how could this affect my position?

During the diagnostic phase of the OE2C project, our research revealed that our most efficient and effective peers in higher education utilize flattened and less hierarchical organizational structures, with fewer “layers” and larger “spans.”

“Layers” refers to the number of management layers between the President and the front line employees who serve our students, faculty and staff. Reducing layers allows for faster, streamlined decision-making and less bureaucracy in performing work.


What effect will OE2C have on Athletic operations?

Just like all schools and units, the Athletics department will be incorporating the new policies and procedures generated by each OE2C initiative. In order to create a more efficient and effective operation and identify savings that can be reinvested in SMU’s academic mission, Athletics will be participating in all changes, including the work being done by the Organization Design Initiative.

The decision about whether or not SMU participates in Division I-A sports is not within the purview of the OE2C project, but is governed by the SMU Board of Trustees.