Learn Ways to Get Your Stress Under Control with LinkedIn Learning

Stress—we all have it—and the pandemic has not done anything to help, but it’s what we do with it that will determine if it becomes fuel or foe. Did you know that April is National Stress Awareness Month? It is the perfect month for it, as spring has begun and nature is rejuvenating; there’s no better time to take a moment to check in with yourself.  By now, you are aware that LinkedIn Learning (LiL) has thousands of videos to help with your professional development. Well, they also have videos and courses to help with your personal development. In honor of National Stress Awareness month, let us raise your awareness of these options available. Continue reading Learn Ways to Get Your Stress Under Control with LinkedIn Learning

De-stress this Holiday Season with LinkedIn Learning

LinkedIn LearningThis year we’re putting personal care at the top of our holiday wish list. Why? Because 62% of respondents in a Healthline survey said they experience, “very to somewhat” elevated stress levels during the holiday season. With the help of this LinkedIn Learning video course, you can learn how to combat increased stress levels and gift yourself some much-needed self-care.
Continue reading De-stress this Holiday Season with LinkedIn Learning