Introducing the Newly-Remodeled Classrooms at the Cox School of Business

Classroom ControlsThe Cox School of Business has undergone an exciting transformation, with newly-remodeled classrooms and other learning spaces designed to provide a cutting-edge experience for a new era of business education. These modern spaces are equipped with advanced technology to enhance both teaching and learning for faculty and students alike. Here’s some info on what to expect in the classrooms! Continue reading Introducing the Newly-Remodeled Classrooms at the Cox School of Business

Faculty Technology Workshops — FTW! Back-to-School Bootcamp Starts August 13

Blue circle with the works faculty technology workshop in 3dWhether you’re a faculty member totally new to Canvas or other SMU academic technology, or you want a refresher before the next term, our Faculty Technology Workshops have all you need to hit the ground running and make your courses the best they can be. Let us come together and discover the latest developments and best practices for using the Canvas LMS, A.I. tools, and more in the classroom. Continue reading Faculty Technology Workshops — FTW! Back-to-School Bootcamp Starts August 13

2023: A Year of Internet of Things Innovation and Collaboration

Photography and additional reporting by Guillermo Vasquez.

Two people using a flying drone outdoors.2023 has proven to be a pivotal year in the evolution of our Research Development and Internet of Things (IoT) services. With new equipment and new relationships forged across campus, Guillermo Vasquez and his IoT Lab have been hard at work to bring data points once thought ephemeral into the realm of data-driven research.

From the ballroom to the physics lab, ideas and resources have come together in the IoT Lab to implement the quickly growing Internet of Things ecosystem in all disciplines. A key aspect of this level of service is the deep collaboration Guillermo undertakes with researchers to truly understand their needs and develop solutions that can effectively and efficiently deliver results for world-changing research projects. Continue reading 2023: A Year of Internet of Things Innovation and Collaboration

Podcasting to Transform the Ways of Learning: PODWalk’s Success in Uncertain Times

PODWalk LogoIn the opening months of the COVID-19 pandemic, the usual classroom environments and teaching modalities were turned upside down overnight. The sudden transition from in-class discussion and collaboration to talking to grid squares on a computer screen was a shock to the system for faculty and students alike. This change also meant easy burnout and frequent isolation, which Professor-of-Practice Radhika Zaveri immediately noticed. To remedy this, she created a novel solution. Continue reading Podcasting to Transform the Ways of Learning: PODWalk’s Success in Uncertain Times