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Major Updates Coming to Course Catalog & Schedule of Classes Training

Two of the most critical parts of the university’s enrollment and scheduling infrastructure are the official Course Catalog and Schedule of Classes (CC/SOCL). A large number of people and many hours of labor go into compiling and displaying class data each term in preparation for scheduling classrooms, ensuring accuracy in information and prerequisites, and creating a straightforward registration experience for students. The intensive training courses for working both in the Course Catalog and the Schedule of Classes are important milestones in preparing staff to work in these systems. The team recently revamped training for Course Catalog, and currently, we are undergoing major updates needed to the Schedule of Classes end-user training.
Work towards reviewing content and updating these training courses began in late 2023. This work includes the OIT Training & Communications team along with Darrah Rippy, Associate Registrar for Curriculum & Scheduling. Originally a day-long in-person training workshop years ago, the increase of staff involved in the CC/SOCL process necessitated on-demand online courses to onboard individuals at any time. Since that evolution, feedback on the training courses, as well as the overall CC/SOCL work experience, have provided us with great insight to build the next iteration of this critical training program.

The Course Catalog/Schedule of Classes training courses contain an immense amount of information and business processes that can vary between schools and programs. Much of this information is rather technical and can be tedious to learn about for the first time. As part of this update project, new videos are being produced to help engage learners and assist in the retention of important information for the 2024/2025 school year.

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Zach Peterson

Zach is a Senior IT Training & Communications Consultant with OIT. Zach began his SMU career at the IT Help Desk in 2012 and joined the Training & Communications Team in 2015. He is a 2011 graduate from the University of North Texas and obtained a Master of Liberal Studies degree from SMU in 2018. He enjoys reading and collecting vintage and antique radio sets. He grew up in Valley View, Texas near Denton.