Networking Updates

Network Maintenance and Scheduled Service Outage for Summer 2024

NetworkingOIT will perform the annual maintenance required for the networking infrastructure in the University Data Center. During the maintenance window, access to all servers and services will be intermittent. In order to minimize the impact on the campus, the work is scheduled during a low-usage period on Friday, June 21, 2024, from 9 p.m. to Saturday, June 22, 2024, at 2 a.m.

About 30 minutes in to the maintenance window, users may begin to see services impacted by the update. The expected downtime for services is less than entire maintenance window, but the full time is reserved in case of any unforeseen issues. This OIT personnel will verify that all services are functional at the end of the maintenance activity. If there are any issues, we will notify the campus via our normal communication channels. If you have any scheduled processes that run during this time, please reschedule those to avoid any interruptions.

Following the maintenance, if you have any difficulty connecting to network resources, it is suggested you reboot your office computer. If you continue to have issues, please feel free to contact the IT Help Desk.

This scheduled maintenance is essential for keeping our network running smoothly. OIT conducts one maintenance outage annually to ensure we are running the latest software.

UPDATED 06/14/2024: Updated to provide clarity of the timing for the maintenance window.

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Ian Aberle

Ian Aberle is an Adobe Creative Educator and the Senior IT Communications Specialist & Trainer for the Office of Information Technology (OIT). For over 25 years, he has helped the SMU community use technology and implement digital and web media through multiple roles with the Digital Commons, SMU STAR Program, and now OIT. Ian enjoys photography and road trips with his family in his free time.