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Stepping Up Your Microsoft Teams Game

Microsoft Teams logoIf you haven’t yet checked out Microsoft Teams, you probably want to. Last year Microsoft announced that they will retire support for Skype for Business come July 2021. While SMU won’t be pulling the plug on Skype for Business service immediately, there will come a time that embracing Teams will be a must.

For those of you who have never logged into Teams, you can log in and peruse by visiting The training team even has a sandbox that you can play in. All you have to do is shoot an email to, and we will add you to the sandbox site. You might also want to check out the Microsoft Teams Essential Training by LinkedIn Learning.

In a recent training, we received a few questions from trainees who wanted to step up their Teams game. Here are a few tips for users already immersed in Teams.

How can I post content to multiple channels on different Teams?
Information can be shared with multiple channels through distributing email or posting in conversations to numerous teams. This quick video will show you all the steps you need to do.

I want to add a calendar for my team. How do I do that?
Whether you are interested in using a calendar to coordinate vacation schedules or utilize group calendars for team events or projects. Teams has a couple of options for you.  This 8-minute demo provides you a sampling of a few options.

For additional tips on Microsoft Teams, we recommend the Microsoft Teams Tips Weekly moderated by Nick Brazzi of LinkedIn Learning.



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Published by

Laurene Klassen

Laurene is the Director of SMU’s IT Training & Communications Team. She enjoys reading, writing, and outdoor activities with her family in her spare time.