We are excited to announce the immediate availability of the new HPC OnDemand Web Portal for ManeFrame II. The portal provides an integrated, single web-based access point for High-Performance Computing (HPC) resources on ManeFrame II (M2) and is open to the entire SMU research community.
This new portal features access to remote desktop instances for working with applications using graphical interfaces and dedicated graphical interfaces for both MATLAB and SAS. Also available are instances of Jupyter Notebooks, JupyterLab, and RStudio Server, command shell access, plus file system access. These services are available to users via a web browser without the need for a VPN, SSH tunneling, or X11-forwarding for those users off-campus.
Users of the previous ManeFrame II portal will find the new portal a welcomed improvement, as the system is no longer restricted to five concurrent remote desktop instances. In fact, the system can now accommodate hundreds of these instances. The Jupyter Notebook, JupyterLab, and RStudio Server instances are web-based front ends to the popular Python and R languages. With the new portal, these interfaces can be accessed directly from the portal, no command-line access is required. The port also has a web-based command-line shell and file access for quick access to your traditional applications and files on ManeFrame II’s.
Video Walkthrough
Find Out More
To use the new portal at smu.edu/maneframe, you will need to have an HPC account on M2. To obtain an account, simply contact the IT Help Desk via an email request to help@smu.edu with “HPC Account Request” in the subject line. Accounts are also available to students with a faculty sponsor approval. * Please Note: Access to the HPC OnDemand web portal requires an existing M2 account. If you log into the portal and don’t have an M2 account, you will get an error message.
More information can be found on the ManeFrame II service page under Training and Documentation. The Center for Scientific Computation (CSC) also hosts weekly workshops on Tuesdays in Fondren Library East Room 110 from 2 p.m. to 4 p.m. For a schedule or to register, please visit smu.az1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_0upXVKd3dcnmLBP.
If you need more assistance, please feel free to contact the IT Help Desk at 214-768-HELP (4357) or email help@smu.edu and they will connect you with one of our research technology specialists.