Dr. Adrian Parr joins the Hunt Institute as a Fellow bringing her expertise as the Dean of the College of Architecture, Planning and Public Affairs at the University of Texas at Arlington and a UNESCO Chair of Water and Human Settlements. In her capacity as a UNESCO water chair, Parr was selected by the European Cultural Center to curate an exhibition for the 2020 Venice Architecture Biennale on Watershed Urbanism. She has published extensively on environmental politics, sustainable development, and design in the public interest. She is the author of the trilogy Hijacking Sustainability (MIT Press), The Wrath of Capital (Columbia University Press), and Birth of a New Earth (Columbia University Press). She is the producer and co-director (with Sean Hughes) of the multi-award-winning documentary, The Intimate Realities of Water, that examines the water challenges women living in Nairobi’s slum face. She has been interviewed for her views on climate change by The New York Times and is a regular contributor to the Los Angeles Review of Books.
Personal Website: https://adrian-parr.com
Project Website: https://intimaterealitiesofwater.org