Student Analyst
- Environmental Engineering Graduate Student in SMU 4+1 program
- Engineering Fellows Scholar
- Provost Scholar
- Chi Epsilon American Society of Civil Engineers
- Student Project Lead for the Taos Project: Site Evaluation
- Member of the Evie Project Phase II: Optimization in Growing
- Research in environmental assessments and alternative growing systems
“Learning about the impacts of human industrialization and fragility of many environments, I wanted to promote human interaction with nature without the effect of damaging the environment. I get to incorporate my skills as an environmental engineer and my passion for site evaluation and habitat restoration into my projects at the Hunt Institute.” -Wendy Alyea
Wendy Alyea graduated from SMU studying for a Master in Environmental Engineering through the SMU 4+1 program. She received previous degrees in May 2017, a B.S. in Environmental Engineering and a B.A. in Chemistry, with completion of her undergraduate studies at SMU. During undergrad, she studied classics for a semester abroad at Trinity College Dublin in Ireland. Her graduate degree will be completed in May 2018.
Wendy began working with the Hunt Institute in fall of 2013 in conjunction with an Engaged Learning project on aquaponics. When the mentor for her Engaged Learning project left for sabbatical, Dr. Eva Csaky volunteered to become her new mentor. Through this partnership, Wendy produced a paper on waste optimization alternatives, an instruction manual for aquaponics, gardening, and composting, and a case study on aquaponics system failure. She worked on the Evie Phase I and II projects and the community garden.
Wendy was also the student lead on site evaluation for the Taos project at the SMU-in-Taos campus. This involved an environmental assessment to determine the impact of material collection at one site on campus and construction of an earthen brick structure at the second site.
Wendy interned for the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Region 6 office in the water enforcement division and at MWH Global, now a part of Stantec, in the water and wastewater design branch in Dallas, TX. Between Fall 2016 to Spring 2017, Wendy also completed a senior design project to determine grit removal technology for the Village Creek Water Reclamation Facility in Fort Worth, TX.
Contributors to this post:
Written by: Kim Strelke
Edited by: Wendy Alyea & Maggie Inhofe
Photo by: Alissa Llort
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