SMU Abroad


03.16 Nikki CarenzaHello from Denmark! I’m officially halfway through my semester abroad in Copenhagen and I can’t believe how quickly my days here are flying by. These past two months have been an absolute blur of meeting new friends (from Danes to Americans to Jamaicans!), travelling all over Europe with my sustainability classes, and even climbing a wind turbine with my professor! While I’m here in Copenhagen I’m taking incredibly interesting classes pertaining to both my Environmental Studies and Finance majors at SMU. One of the most fascinating aspects of my program is having the opportunity to meet other American students from all across the US and hear everyone’s unique opinions. Of course, studying abroad means tons of travel and already I’ve been to 6 different countries and been able to experience such a wide array of cultures! Having caught the foodie bug in my first two years in Dallas, one of the best parts of being in Europe is trying all of the different cuisines; I’ve tried everything from tapas and sangria in Spain to pretzels and authentic beer in Germany.

I’ve had the most incredible experience getting the opportunity to study sustainability here in Copenhagen, a city that is consistently ranked one of the greenest cities in the entire world! It’s awesome to go running through the city and look over and see wind turbines lining the shore. Another one of my favorite ways to see the city is taking my bike out and riding through the many different neighborhoods of the city, always finding something new and exciting going on (just like in Dallas!). I’m so grateful I’ve had this opportunity to see so many new parts of the world and get to work towards completing my SMU degree at the same time. I’m loving my days abroad but also looking forward to returning to the Hilltop for many more Boulevards and Dallas days in the fall!

-Nikki Carenza

By Bridget Anderson


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