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- Meadows Students' Endeavors
- Meadows' Creative Entrepreneurship Students Spend Time in Prison
- 2 Designers and an Antique Dealer Speak about Entrepreneurship and Planning
- Nelle S Johnson Explores the Nature of Creative Startups
- Alejandro Villaquiran Explores Plans and Planning
- Did You Have a Plan?
- Amy Kim Explores if Business Plans are Necessary
- Bianca Beattie & the Creative Entrepreneurs
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Tag Archives: entrepreneurial arts training
Powerful Tools for Arts Entrepreneurs
Today’s arts entrepreneurs now have the potential to develop and communicate with an audience pieced together, representing cultures across the globe. One may develop a pocket of interest in Canada, while at the same time having a loyal audience in … Continue reading
Artists: Natural Entrepreneurs?
“My second conclusion is that attributes of creative individuals and attributes of entrepreneurs are so similar that even attempting to define a set of predetermined characteristics is a futile exercise”. (1) This is such a great quote and I would further … Continue reading
Posted in A Business of One, Artist Entrepreneur, Artistry in Arts Entrepreneurship, Arts Entrepreneur, Arts Entrepreneurship
Tagged arts entrepreneurship, arts entrepreneurship training, education tips for artistic entrepreneurs, entrepreneurial arts training, entrepreneurship in the arts, Meadows School of the Arts, SMU
New Video: Interview with Scott Debus
Check out the latest Meadows Youtube Channel interview with Scott Debus, in which Debus speaks about making a living as an Arts Entrepreneur and working outside the system. The Meadows Youtube Channel offers a variety of voices from the field … Continue reading
Posted in Artist Entrepreneur, Artistry in Arts Entrepreneurship, Arts Entrepreneur, Arts Entrepreneurship, Arts Entrepreneurship Videos, Commitment, Making a Living
Tagged arts entrepreneurship, entrepreneurial arts training, entrepreneurship in the arts, Jim Hart, making a living in the arts, meadows arts entrepreneurship, scott debs
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Audio Interview With Annmaria Mazzini, Meadows Alum
In this interview, Annmaria Mazzini discusses the difficulty of transitioning out of her dance career, a fourteen year company member of the Paul Taylor Dance Company. Due to an injury, Mazzini is forced to find other creative vehicles and discover … Continue reading
Fear Makes The Wolf Bigger Than He Is
This old German proverb hits the nail on the head. Fear is the great mind number. This emotion, more often than not, is the greatest obstacle that prevents us from achieving our goals, dreams and potential. What this means is
No Plan Survives First Contact
There is an old military expression that say, “No plan survives first contact.” What this means to me is that we can plan and plan and plan, but once we engage at least one other person, plans change. This is … Continue reading
Posted in Adaptability, Business Plan
Tagged adaptability, artist entrepreneur, artistic entrepreneur, arts, arts entrepreneur, creative entrepreneur, entrepreneurial arts training, how to become an arts entrepreneur, in the arts, institutes for arts entrepreneurship, james david hart, james hart, Jim Hart, no plan survives first contact, programs, programs for arts entrepreneurship, schools, SMU, social entrepreneur, social entrepreneurship, the artist entrepreneur, the hart technique, universities, What is arts Entrepreneurship?
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Burn Your Boat.
If you are toying with engaging in a new lifestyle, career, artistic endeavor or life opportunity, I urge you to say yes. But, if you decide to instigate this process of change in your life,
Posted in Burn Your Boats, Commitment, Decision
Tagged artist entrepreneur, artistic entrepreneur, arts entrepreneur, arts entrepreneurship, burn your boats, entrepreneurial artist, entrepreneurial arts training, entrepreneurship and the hero adventure, in the arts, independent artist, Jim Hart, minor in arts management and arts entrepreneurship, new minors, SMU, the hart technique
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The Artist as Teaching Artist
Einstein said, “If you can’t explain it simply, you don’t understand it well enough.” When one can articulate the concepts of their craft, regardless of complexity, and do so in such a way that a child might understand it, one … Continue reading