AAF Awards and Projects Better Advertising. Better World. Competitions SMU Creative TAI Students Undergraduate Students

TAI Students Win Big at the 54th Annual AAF American Advertising Awards local competition

Written by: Willie Baronet BaronetWillie

TAI students Mackenzie Cimala, Tien Dang, Samantha Butz and Mallory Massa won the majority of honors in the Student category of the 54th annual American Advertising Federation (AAF) American Advertising Awards (formerly the ADDYs) local competition, hosted by AAF-Dallas on February 18 at Gas Monkey Live in Dallas.

Of the 15 awards presented to college students at this year’s competition, SMU won a total of seven in four categories, including three gold, one silver and three bronze awards. Senior Mackenzie Cimala won five awards, the most of any university student in the contest, including three gold and two bronze awards; gold-winning submissions automatically advance to the district level competition in Lubbock, Texas, April 14-16. Tien Dang was co-winner for two of Mackenzie’s entries, Sam Butz won a silver, and Mallory Massa won a bronze. Images of their winning work is pictured below.

“It is wonderful to see the students showcase their talents to the DFW advertising industry, as well as their parents, Temerlin alumni and their professors,” said Dr. Steve Edwards, director of the Temerlin Advertising Institute. “Awards are just one indicator of the quality of not only the students, but the dedicated agency executives and academic experts teaching in the program. We are so proud of Mackenzie Cimala for a truly outstanding performance! She, Samantha Butz, Mallory Massa and Tien Dang all have bright futures in the industry.”

Edwards noted that the students’ work follows that of many prominent TAI alumni, “including David Drown and Megan Lee, who each won multiple awards in the professional categories. We are especially proud of work by former TAI master’s student Arturo Lee and his team at Dieste, a Hispanic marketing agency. Their campaign, titled ‘Adoptable Trends,’ received a gold award in the Online/Interactive category and was named Best of Show.”

Willie Baronet, the Stan Richards Professor in Creative Advertising, said, “I am so proud of the achievements of Mackenzie, Sam, Mallory and Tien! I’ve watched them develop from wide-eyed newbies in Intro to Creativity into creative forces to be reckoned with. I’m confident this is only the first of many shows that will feature their work, and the work of many of their classmates! I’m honored to be a part of the Temerlin team here at SMU.”

“I was so honored to be one of the winners,” said Cimala, who took home five awards. “As a double major in both creative advertising and studio art and minor in graphic design at Meadows, I’ve been able to gain the skills and artistic perspective that enabled me to develop portfolio pieces worthy of ADDY awards. The feedback in our portfolio classes from fellow students, TAI professors and Dallas advertising creatives has been invaluable and allowed me to improve my work. TAI has given me a great academic experience that has also prepared me for the real world ahead.”

Over 950 entries were submitted this year from more than 70 Dallas advertising agencies and universities. Judges were Stephen Cargile, principal creative designer at Walt Disney Imagineering; Eunie Kwon, interactive design director at Mirum Agency; and Marcelo Padoca, creative director and copywriter at The Community (formerly La Communidad)


addysgroupFaculty, friends and family were there to cheer on the winners!


Left to right: Mallory Massa, Mackenzie Cimala, Sam Butz


CLIENT:                    Bowen House

CATEGORY:             Elements of Advertising – Logo Design

CREDITS:                 Mackenzie Cimala ’16, Designer

Screen Shot 2016-02-28 at 12.25.39 PMCLIENT:                    Fig & Olive – Logo design

CATEGORY:             Elements of Advertising – Logo Design

CREDITS:                 Mackenzie Cimala ’16, Designer

Screen Shot 2016-02-28 at 12.25.12 PMCLIENT:                    Fig & Olive – Olive oil bottle

CATEGORY:             Product or Service Sales Promotion – Packaging

CREDITS:                  Mackenzie Cimala ’16, Designer

Screen Shot 2016-02-28 at 12.25.20 PMSILVER AWARD

CLIENT:                  Dr. Frommholtz’s Candy (fictional line of novelty jelly beans)

CATEGORY:            Product or Service Sales Promotion – Packaging

CREDITS               Samantha Butz ’17

Butz_Dr. Frommholtz's Candy_2BRONZE AWARD

CLIENT:                     MiraLax – “This Too Shall Pass”

CATEGORY:             Print Campaign – Magazine

CREDITS:                 Mallory Massa ’16

Screen Shot 2016-02-28 at 12.26.39 PM243CLIENT:                     BarkBox

CATEGORY:              Print Campaign – Magazine

CREDITS:                 Mackenzie Cimala ’16, Art Director  ;  Tien Dang ’16, Copywriter


Ad Team Competitions Faculty Faculty Rants Professional Development

How to Succeed in Advertising (and Life): Lessons from Ad Team

PN%20PHOTOWritten by: Peter Noble

Advertising is a team sport. And being successful in this arena isn’t just a matter of having ninja-like InDesign skills or being near-clairvoyant in media planning. Success is built on a foundation of basic personal characteristics and abilities.

Having coached 10 Ad Teams that competed in the National Student Advertising Competition (including two National Championship winners), I’ve found three essentials that contribute to personal and professional success — Focus, Accountability, and Communication. Each of these is important on its own, and when combined, they become a powerful base for navigating the world of teamwork.

It’s very easy to get distracted in today’s multi-screen, information/entertainment-rich environment. Multitasking isn’t the answer. It simply doesn’t work. When you divide your attention among several tasks at the same time you can’t effectively focus on the task at hand. Multitask planning is the solution to juggling multiple obligations. Prioritize and plan your work to fully engage in each individual area. Focusing on what’s important at the time allows you to give your work the full attention that’s necessary to do your best work within the required time allotment.


Trust and confidence on teams are the glue that holds everything together. If you accept an assignment, you have to deliver. Your and your team’s success depends on it. Delivery is measured both as a process and a product. It means that you get the work done in an efficient, friction-free manner, you submit high quality work, and you absolutely get it done by or before the agreed deadline. When you own the work and you deliver on quality and timeliness, you earn the team’s trust and confidence.


It’s ironic that despite the fact that we’re in the business of communication many of the common problems in a team environment are rooted in miscommunication. Effective communication starts with a clear understanding of what needs to get done, how it’s to be accomplished, and when it needs to be completed. Once that’s established, communication throughout the process of the work is essential. Simple things like asking for additional resources and providing updates on milestone events can ensure success.

Focus, accountability, and communication aren’t the only elements of success in this business, but mastery in those three basic areas will give you an edge in this fast-paced competitive environment. The same benefits apply to success in life.


Better Advertising. Better World. Competitions Internships TAI Students Undergraduate Students

TAI Senior Ashley Eschert Shares How Internships Have Prepared Her for a Career in Advertising

Ashley Eschert (BA Advertising ’16)

Temerlin Advertising Institute (TAI) senior Ashley Eschert shares how internships with two top Dallas-based agencies–The Richards Group and Canonball Creative–have prepared her for a career as an advertising search planner. Read about her experiences here.

Ashley is one of twenty students that has been selected to participate in Praxis, SMU’s award winning and highly selective Ad Team. Ad Team participates in the American Advertising Federation’s (AAF) National Student Advertising Competition (NSAC). Each year, 200 universities around the country complete in this competition by producing and presenting a comprehensive integrated marketing communications plan for a national client. This year the client is Snapple. Ashley and her Praxis teammates will first present their plan at the district competition in Lubbock in April 2016, and hope to later present at the national competition at Disneyland in June.

Read about last year’s Praxis success here.

AAF Awards and Projects Competitions SMU Creative Undergraduate Students

TAI Creative Students Win American Advertising/ADDY Awards

SMU Students win local American Advertising Awards

Students at the Temerlin Advertising Institute at SMU’s Meadows School of the Arts won multiple honors, including Best of Show, in the Student category of the annual American Advertising Federation (AAF) American Advertising Awards local competition, hosted by AAF-Dallas on February 26 at the Hyatt Regency Dallas. The awards were formerly known as the ADDYs.

The American Advertising Awards are the advertising industry’s largest and most representative competition, recognizing and rewarding creative excellence in the art of advertising. Every year more than 50,000 entries are submitted in local American Advertising Awards competitions. The Student American Advertising Awards, sponsored by the American Advertising Federation and National Ad 2, are a sub-category designed especially for college students. Applicants must be enrolled full- or part-time in an accredited U.S. educational institution.

SMU students won awards in three categories, including one bronze, one silver and one gold. The gold-winning entry, a digital/mobile app developed for Einstein Brothers by Mackenzie Keck (B.A. ’14), was named Student Best of Show.

The SMU winning entries were as follows:


CLIENT: Scotch Blue Painter’s Tape
CATEGORY: Consumer/Trade Publication Campaign
CREDITS: Alexandra Nowlin and Jaimmy Koroma


CLIENT: Dallas Zoo
CATEGORY: Non-Traditional Campaign
CREDITS: Mackenzie Keck and Paul Curry


CLIENT: Einstein Brothers
CATEGORY: Digital-Mobile Apps
CREDITS: Mackenzie Keck

“We are proud of the work done by these imaginative and enthusiastic Temerlin students,” said Dr. Steve Edwards, chair of the Temerlin Advertising Institute. “There is no greater visibility for advertising students in Dallas than receiving these beautiful awards in front of 1000 professionals.”

Mackenzie Keck, an advertising/creative major with a double minor in film and graphic design, said she was thrilled to have won both a gold and Student Best of Show. “I am especially honored because there were so many outstanding student entries this year,” she said. “The creative program at SMU Temerlin has helped me so much – it provides well rounded training that most other schools don’t have. It lets us get an undergraduate degree and develop our portfolios at the same time.”