Faculty Rants

Marketing Communications Should Build Relationships

Having the privilege to teach in The Temerlin ADVERTISING Institute, I was thinking about my current graduate course, Consumer Engagement Strategies, and the concept of “advertising.”
After much thought, I simply no longer believe that advertising is a particularly relevant or needed construct to describe the way marketing communications is currently practiced.

Advertising. Public Relations. Social Media. Corporate Communications. Sales Promotion. Media. Where does one end and the other begin?

Each of the above distinctions are a product of a bygone era that are quickly eroding. In my mind the quicker the better! These terms describe particular job functions that should no longer be the focus of our attention. Rather we must focus broadly on the purpose of communicating; building relationships.

advertisingCredit to Hugh MacLeod

For example, advertising has often been defined as, “…the nonpersonal communication of information usually paid for and usually persuasive in nature about products, services or ideas by identified sponsors through the various media.”(Bovee, 1992, p. 7). Such a definition tells what advertising was, but not why it was used. And it certainly does not capture what modern advertising agencies do…they build relationships.

Until 2012, the Public Relations Society of America (PRSA) defined public relations as “helping an organization and its publics adapt mutually to each other.” A modern definition suggests, “Public relations is a strategic communication process that builds mutually beneficial relationships between organizations and their publics.”

But these mutually beneficial relationships are not the exclusive domain of PR or any communications discipline. All of the above traditional communications disciplines define different processes to communicate with those with whom they interact. People in advertising use terms like customers, targets, segments, and opinion leaders. People in public relations call them stakeholders. Social media specialists look for evangelists and influencers.

All marketing communications [should] have the goal of building relationships. Building relationships requires engaging with people. The best way to engage people is to serve them, provide them something of value.

Messages are valuable to the degree they are relevant to another party. Messages provide value by either informing or entertaining. Whether the end result of the interaction is transactional or something longer-term, serving people should be the goal.

Serving people solves problems, creates good will, and builds relationships.

Is this advertising, public relations, sales promotion, or …?


Better Advertising. Better World. Community Outreach Faculty Interviews Social Responsibility

Carrie La Ferle, Ph.D. Discusses Blue Bell Ice Cream Recall

Blue Bell

Dr. Carrie La Ferle, of the Temerlin Advertising Institute consults with the media regarding the Blue Bell Ice Cream Recall.

La Ferle Interview

La Ferle suggested that during a crisis, it is most important to demonstrate your concern for your customers and treat them as people.

  1. Take care of the victims,
  2. Find and correct the source of the outbreak,
  3. Work with the FDA, and
  4. Only then worry about advertising.

Blue Bell is a staple in Texas and Home spun brand. People love their Blue Bell Ice Cream and are forgiving if companies act in their best interests. In this case, Blue Bell has gone overboard to demonstrate their concern by pulling all the product off the shelves until the source of the listeria can be found. As Blue Bell re-enters the market, consumers will be ready to support their favorite flavors.

Interview can be found at CBS here.

Better Advertising. Better World. Faculty Presentations Social Responsibility

Temerlin Advertising Institute’s Willie Baronet Presents “Home. Again.” at TEDxSMU

Willie Baronet | Faculty | Temerlin Advertising Institute’s Stan Richards Professor in Creative Advertising |Meadows School of the Arts | Home. Again.

76F30E99-1CE5-41BC-9E6B-8A72FEF20297 TEDxSMU sign Willie on stage

Meadows School faculty member Willie Baronet opened the TEDxSMU show to a standing ovation (it’s his third TEDxSMU appearance) with the latest chapter in his quest to buy signs from the homeless – this time to talk about his sign-collecting journey across the country and how it shaped his understanding of “home.”

“Three years ago I stood on this same stage and talked about my WE ARE ALL HOMELESS project, and I said I wanted to travel across the country one day to buy signs,” Baronet said.  “In July of 2014 I did just that, traveling from Seattle to LA to New York in 31 days. I’m honored to be part of this year’s TEDxSMU/Inside SMU program so that I can share some highlights of this adventure, and the lessons I continue to learn about compassion, gratitude and what home really means.”

For more about Professor Baronet’s story visit 

Graduate Students Internships TAI Students

TAI MA in Advertising Student Spotlight

TAI Grad Student - JingxueJingxue, better known as “Snow,” is a first year MA in Advertising student from mainland China. She is currently in her second semester of the program taking courses in Social Responsibility and Entrepreneurship, Quant/Qualitative Research in Advertising and Research Metrics. She has just secured a part-time position as a Graphic Designer with SMU’s Lyle School of Engineering. It is a paid position where she will be gaining real world experience and skills as well as building her resume.

Snow’s duties include creating graphic design concepts for marketing instruments and publications, creating layouts and design concepts for dedicated websites, designing presentations for new product marketing, collaborating with photographers and writers covering engineering summits, researching educational marketing strategies and much more.

Stay tuned for more updates on our program when we highlight our second year MA in Advertising students undertaking their Executive Internships with agencies in Dallas. 

Faculty TAI Research Fellows Program

Temerlin Advertising Institute (TAI) invites applications for 2015 & 2016 Research Fellows

Temerlin Advertising Institute (TAI) at Southern Methodist University invites applications for its 2015-2016 Research Fellows Program. Located in Dallas, TAI is a research-oriented institute composed of distinguished faculty with both industry and academic backgrounds.

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The purpose of the TAI Research Fellows program is to foster research collaboration and provide catalysts for advancing our understanding of the field of advertising. We are looking for people who have a vision for their research and need time and support to make it come to life!

2014-12-15 13.24.52

Who is Eligible? Faculty members on sabbatical, faculty-emeriti, post-docs, or even industry researchers asking thoughtful questions are encouraged to apply.

What is Included? TAI will provide research fellows with office space, a monthly stipend of $1000-$2000, funding for research up to $5000, and travel support up to $2000. Fellows are invited to collaborate on research projects and publications with the TAI faculty members, and pursue independent research. Formal teaching duties are not required, but may be available for additional compensation.

Deadline for Applications. March 1st – visit to begin the following fall semester. October 15th – visits to begin the following spring semester;

Application Procedure. Please supply the following information to Dr. Steve Edwards (, Director of the Temerlin Advertising Institute, by the appropriate deadline:

  1. a cover letter that conveys your interest, brief background about you, overview of current projects, and requested time frame for visit.
  2. a current curriculum viate
  3. a two-page description of intended research projects you wish to pursue.

For more information, see the Visiting Fellows Program Announcement 2015-2016.

Better Advertising. Better World. Community Outreach Exxon Mobil Lecture Series Social Responsibility

2015 ExxonMobil Lecture Announced – David Salyers, VP Marketing, Chick-fil-A

David Salyers, Vice President of Marketing at Chick-fil-A will discuss the connection between relationships and ROI for marketers. 

640px-Chikin_is_Brain_Food_Cow_Chick-fil_A-with-Portrait Expand your marketing know-how and share some brain food.

Insights from the man who helped build Chick-fil-A into the marketing powerhouse it is today.

  • Wednesday, February 4 at 6:30 p.m. Lecture at 7:00 p.m.
  • Drinks & Finger Foods Served
  • Angelika Theater – Mockingbird Station, 5321 E. Mockingbird Ln., Dallas
  • Free Parking

Free and open to the public, RSVP requested.

Faculty TAI Classes Technology

Former Television Host, Mark Bunting, Teaching Technology Marketing Class at Temerlin Advertising Institute


SPRING 2015 – ADV 5302: Technology Marketing and Advertising 

The Course: Taking cue from Inside the Actors Studio, this weekly 3-hour class will include guest speakers from some of the industry’s biggest names. We will explore a myriad of topics involving the marketing and advertising of technology products and services.

Professor Mark Bunting is the former television host of many popular computer programs from CNBC, The Discovery Channel and The Learning Channel,

As a serial entrepreneur in both tech and media, Mark will expose students to a broad spectrum of topics within the technology advertising/marketing arena. A few of the topics will includes

  • Marketing Technology to Consumers
  • Agency and Client Relationship
  • Social Networking and The Changing Media Landscape
  • Entrepreneurialism
  • Print Advertising
  • PR’s Role in the Communication Mix
  • Marketing’s Influence in the Product Development Cycle Out of home/Alternative Media
  • Mobile and Social 

This class is designed to help students to understand the fundamental disciplines of strategy, creative, media and interactive in all facets of marketing communications for the high technology industry. A rich schedule of leading high tech marketing executives will present general case histories, new product go-to-market launch initiatives, general state-of-affairs and developing trends in technology marketing, as well as creative/media “problem solutions” that run the gamut from traditional “brand development” to “crisis or advocacy” work.

Students will hear directly from many of the marketing and advertising executives from Silicon Valley and the media industry. The program is designed to expose communication students pursuing Creative, PR, Agency, or Media careers to a portfolio of leading thinkers in the vertical of technology and consumer electronics. In addition, entrepreneurial opportunities in the changing landscape of a “new media” will also be explored.

In addition, we will explore the latest trends in digital advertising from mobile to social and its impact across marketing segments and industries. Entrepreneurialism in media will also be covered, as will the exploration of career opportunities involving all of the aforementioned.

Guest Speakers have included a number of key executives from leading technology and media enterprises. Past Speakers have included:

  • Sam Gilliland, Chairman and CEO of Sabre (,
  • Rich Silverstein, of Goodby Silverstein
  • Howard Mittman, publisher of WIRED Magazine,
  • Colette LaForce– Chief Marketing Officer (AMD),
  • Rob Wrubel, Chief Innovation Officer – (University of Phoenix), and
  • Ann Finney – PR (Hewlett Packard).

Speakers from TI, Samsung and technology companies will also share their experiences throughout the semester.

International Advertising Study Abroad

TAI Students Visit Starcom Media Vest Group in Hong Kong

Temerlin Advertising Institute graduate students tour the Starcom Media Vest offices in Hong Kong. Meeting with the Hong Kong advertising executives is an amazing opportunity for students to learn how culture impacts advertising decisions in Asia and they felt welcomed by the wonderful group at Starcom Media Vest.

2014-6-12 StarComm

With the help of Dr. Kara Chan of Hong Kong Baptist University, Dr. Carrie La Ferle organizes multiple visits to agencies while teaching International Advertising in Hong Kong during the summer. The students are learning, living, and taking in as many cultural experiences as possible.

TAI Group Receives Warm Welcome at Starcomm

Findout more at

Better Advertising. Better World. Social Responsibility TAI Alumni

TAI Student Danielle Olson Empowering Mayan Women Through Entrepreneurship in Valladolid Mexico


Next week Danielle Olson heads to Mexico to work for a nonprofit Dutzi Design which seeks to empower the Mayan women of Valladolid, teaching them entrepreneurship.

To support these efforts Danielle has organized a Trunk Show fundraising event to showcase these women’s handbags.

The event will begin at 8pm, June 3rd on the rooftop of the restaurant Sundown at Granada (which is located directly next to Granada theater), 3520 Greenville Ave, Dallas, TX 75206.

Two other companies will be showing their stuff including Commonwealth Couture, a designer vintage shop located in Snider Plaza. The other is jewelry designer Shona Gilbert who will be showcasing her work. Live Hair Group (a hair salon across from the venue) will set up a booth that will do free hairstyles for all the guests.

All are invited to come and support this great cause!

We love seeing our Temerlin Advertising Students changing the world! Way to go Danielle.

Better Advertising. Better World. Faculty Social Responsibility

TAI Advertising Professor Willie Baronet Raises the Issue of Homelessness Using Homeless Signs


Temerlin Advertising Institute Professor Willie Baronet is seeking support via a crowd funding campaign for a coast to coast homeless sign buying trip from Seattle, through LA, to New York.

The goal is buy signs, create a documentary, book, and more!

Willie says:

These signs – and this practice – have become a catalyst for conversations about the nature of home, homelessness, compassion, and how we see and treat each other as humans. It has also heightened my awareness about my own upbringing and home life.

My goal is to buy as many signs and connect with as many homeless people as I can. In addition to the art installations/projects that will result from these new signs, there will be a book and a documentary film of the entire experience. Plus, I’m partnering with the Housing Crisis Center in Dallas to raise money and awareness for their program to help homeless veterans.

Your help is critical. The more people who get involved, the more meaningful the project (and the conversation about homelessness) becomes.

Help support a great cause at Indiegogo – We Are All Homeless