A group of Simmons graduate students presented their work during SMU’s Research Day 2015, with the following winning the Dean’s Award:
Dustin Allen in Aplied Physiology and Wellness for “The Effect of Multiple Sclerosis on Carotid Baroflex Control of the Heart Rate and Blood Pressure.” Dr. Scott Davis is the advisor.
Mu Huang in Applied Physiology and Wellness for “Thermoregulatory Dysfunction in Multiple Sclerosis Patients during Moderate Exercise in a Thermoneutral Environment.” Dr. Scott Davis is the advisor.
Jillian Conry, Paul Polanco, Vivianne Mogna, and Madhuri Bhupathi in Teaching and Learning for “Project Elva,” English Language Vocabulary Acquisition. Dr. Doris Baker is the advisor and principal investigator.
Congratulations to them for recognition by the University.