Mail Opt Out Initiative

After receiving several comments through Operational Excellence regarding the desire to reduce the volume of printed materials in campus mailboxes, OIT, Human Resources and SMU Mail Direct worked together to devise a new opt out solution.

SMU faculty and staff can choose to stop receiving promotional brochures, flyers, invitations and other printed mail from campus departments.

  1. Log into and go to “Announcements”
  2. Check the box “Opt Out of Campus Hard Mailings”
  3. Click “Save”. Once you hit “Save”, you elect to receive only campus mail that is mandatory.

Faculty and staff will continue to receive printed mail that is considered mandatory for all SMU employees. This would include notices from Human Resources about benefits, policy updates from Risk Management, etc. (Note: SMU cannot control the mail received from off-campus.)

 For questions, please contact the Help Desk at 84357 or