
Metrics – Graduate Application Processing, August 2016

Created to improve operations at SMU and identify savings in administrative costs to reallocate to academic purposes, the Office of Operational Excellence has identified key measurements to track progress towards its mission. At the beginning of the Operational Excellence for the Second Century (OE2C) project, research revealed that our peers across aspirational universities are spending a greater percentage of funds on the academic mission versus administration costs.

To measure SMU’s progress toward achieving a competitive balance of academic and administrative spending through bold initiatives that serve the staff, faculty, and students, the Office of Operational Excellence has identified a set of key metrics.

Graduate Application Processing is tracking the number of applications received and processed for Lyle School of Engineering.

The Graduate Application Processing Institutional Metrics Dashboard


  • This metric reflects Lyle School of Engineering numbers only. The reason is because Lyle is the only school utilizing shared services that processes incoming applications on a rolling basis. Therefore, this is the ideal scenario to show that the new SLATE system has had a significant positive impact in the efficiency of processing graduate applications.

See more metrics in the coming weeks on our website or by subscribing to Operational Excellence’s email digest.


By Nick Rallo
