What are the reasons for doing this initiative?
– Compared with industry standards and empirically validated benchmarks, SMU has an opportunity to adjust the level of staffing in the organization
– Optimizing areas such as managerial spans of control will enable better and quicker decision-making while unlocking funds to be used for strategic initiatives
What does this process look like?
– The VP or Dean of each organization will evaluate and determine the right level of staffing, using tools provided by the OE2C team
– The process will be iterative and collaborative with the OE2C Executive Committee and SMU units/schools
– As much as possible we will utilize transfers, attrition, early retirement, and voluntary exits to minimize impact to our people
– Any impacted positions will be handled with respect and care consistent with our SMU community values; this includes providing severance packages and support in job placements
What is in scope of this initiative?
– All staff positions, both in the Academic Units and Central Administration areas
– Extra compensation policies
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