
Have any recent staff member departures been as a result of the OE2C process?

No. They have been from usual attrition or part of the annual budget process, which for this past fiscal year included a budget reduction of 2.5 percent for central administration and 1.5 percent for the schools and colleges. Most areas chose to meet their budget reduction without eliminating positions, but some areas opted for a reduction in the number of FTEs. Even in those cases, however, most eliminated positions had been filled by people who retired or resigned. A goal of the OE2C process is to proactively address budget shortfalls, so that we do not have to rely on non-strategic across-the-board budget cuts every few years.

While OE2C will ultimately result in fewer staff members, it is our expectation that many of the reductions will be achieved through natural attrition. Given the timeline of the phases, we expect to begin implementing initiatives early in 2015. Because some initiatives will undoubtedly be more complex than others, we expect some will require implementation over multiple phases and multiple years.

By Aayush Chandra

SMU Meadows Marketing & Communications