Getting Started with Data Research Using Forrester

Forrester Research logoDid you know that all SMU students, faculty, and staff have access to the Forrester research portal? Many of you know how invaluable these databases of research findings, including analyses, opinions, trends, leading practices, or case studies, can be. With the Forrester platform, users can access market data research, business operation insights, and more just by going to Continue reading Getting Started with Data Research Using Forrester

Forrester replaces Gartner for Research on Campus

Forrester Research logoIf you have been using one of the campus research portals, you know how invaluable that database of research findings,  including analyses, opinions, trends, leading practices, or case studies, can be.  For the past year, the University has offered two popular choices, My Gartner and Forrester Research. After May 31, 2020, Forrester Research will be the licensed solution for SMU. 
Continue reading Forrester replaces Gartner for Research on Campus