Planning activities are well underway for the various classrooms that will receive technology upgrades and changes during the new fiscal year. The majority of projects will be completed during the summer months. Based on resource capacity and a few scheduling conflicts within the rooms themselves, a handful of rooms will be scheduled during Winter Break.
The list of current rooms, a brief summary of the planned work, and the schedule of activities are posted to the OIT Classroom Project site. We will update this page throughout the summer as each project is completed.
In addition to the AV upgrades, there will be several other improvements coming to the classrooms. First, all podium computers will be re-imaged with the latest operating system and upgraded software, such as 2019 versions of the Adobe Creative Cloud apps, Office 2019, and more. Additional software requirements are being compiled by each Academic Technology Service Director to ensure the computers are ready for the first day of Fall. Secondly, modifications will be made to each workstation to shorten the amount of time to log in and provide an option for guest logins. Finally, we will define and implement several automated maintenance features including a shutdown schedule for the AV equipment in the late evening, a startup schedule in the morning, and a more streamlined alerting process to resolve any issues before the first class begins.
Please note: Ensuring classroom renovations are completed in a timely manner is of critical importance. Any new requests for AV design and installation will be reviewed and scheduled based on the capacity of our vendors as well as our internal staff. Please submit requests as early as possible so that we can better assist with the planning and coordination for your project.