IT Roundtable Event: A Great Conversation

Roundtable Discussion with the IT Leaders

Yesterday, the IT Leadership met with various faculty and staff in an open roundtable discussion.  We had prepared a PowerPoint presentation outlining where we’ve been and a few strategic items on the horizon.  Prior to the event, we decided that we’d much rather facilitate a conversation with the attendees and answer their questions.  Of course, we had the presentation to fall back on if there weren’t questions at the IT Roundtable.  Fortunately, what resulted was a candid and collaborative discussion taking the full hour and a half!

Joe GargIT Roundtableiulo, CIO, started the conversation with a brief introduction of each of the directors and a few highlights of the shared services journey over the past year.  He spoke about the new governance councils and how critical those are for us moving forward.  We then paused for questions.  There were questions covering just about every area in IT:

  • Outdoor wireless coverage
  • Cellular coverage
  • Older cabling issues in buildings
  • Desktop/Laptop support
  • Classroom support
  • Account requests forms and workflows
  • Physical Security (Card readers)
  • Academic priorities and projects
  • Project communications and requests
  • Accessibility initiatives
  • Making IT green
  • Integrating third party solutions and more!

IT RoundtableThe questions were answered by Joe and the appropriate director.  From our standpoint, it was a great conversation acknowledging areas that are currently being addressed or ones that are on our strategic roadmap.  As promised, we’ve posted the presentation file that we didn’t get to share yesterday!  We will schedule a roundtable event at SMU-in-Plano in December and another one on SMU’s main campus in the Spring. We look forward to continuing the conversation with you and of course providing the service and support you need!


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Published by

Rachel Mulry

Associate CIO for Planning and Customer Service Office of Information Technology