Earlier this year, Box@SMU was implemented as the new file storage and sharing application for SMU. Box@SMU is the replacement solution for Locker.SMU, which will be decommissioned later this summer.
On April 11, OIT will modify the permissions on Locker.SMU (both user and Org Space) to read-only access. This modification will ensure no new data was stored on Locker.SMU while we transfer the content to Box@SMU. Individuals and departments will still be able to access any content currently stored in the application. However, no new files or changes to existing files will be available.
During this transition time, you are encouraged to do one of the following if you need to share new content or modify existing content:
- Utilize your individual Box space (available at smu.edu/box)
- A folder within your department’s Box space to use for your organizational files may be requested in advance. A Box@SMU request form can be found at help.smu.edu to facilitate this request.
For more information on the transition, please see “Moving from Locker.SMU to Box” at blog.smu.edu/itconnect/2016/04/01/moving-locker-smu-box/
If you have any questions about Box@SMU, feel free to
contact the IT Help Desk at 214-768-HELP (4357).