If you haven’t recently, it’s a good time to update your emergency contacts in my.SMU.
Faculty & Staff Instructions
- From the landing page, select Personal Information located under Employee Self – Service.
- Click on Emergency Contacts.
- Click Add Emergency Contact.
- Enter the Contact Name.
- Indicate the Relationship to Employee. If the employee has the same address or telephone select one of the following options:
If you indicated that the emergency contact address or phone is the same as yours it will display on the screen and can be edited if needed.
- If the contact has a different address select Edit Address to provide address information.
- If the contact has a different phone select Add Phone Number and indicate the Phone Type and Phone Number.
- Click Save. To view a contact list select the Return to Emergency Contacts link.
- For multiple contacts check one to be the Primary Contact.
- Edit or Delete contacts by selecting the appropriate icons.
- Click Save.
Student Instructions
Visit the Update/Verify Personal Info section of the Student Self-Service tutorial: sites.smu.edu/oit/training/story/studentselfservice/story.html.