Amazon Gift Card Opportunity from SMU

Update: The offer detailed below expired on Saturday, May 15, 2021. While returning students are still encouraged to voluntarily update their vaccine status through the same portal, the Amazon gift card incentive is no longer available.

April 27, 2021

Dear Mustang,

Greetings from the Office of the Dean of Students! I hope your spring semester is wrapping up successfully and you are looking forward to some well-deserved rest and rejuvenation.

As you know, SMU is reviewing operations and making plans. Having a good understanding of how many members of our campus community have been vaccinated will help inform key operational decisions for the summer and fall terms.

Therefore – and through consultation with SMU CAN, SMU is offering a one-time $10 electronic Amazon gift card to students in appreciation for registering their COVID-19 vaccine status in the self-reporting tool on the Mustang Strong vaccine page.

We appreciate your taking the time to participate. You’ll be asked:

  • if you have received one or both doses of the COVID-19 vaccine
  • plan to get the vaccine eventually
  • are undecided
  • do not intend to receive it


Once you have completed the reporting tool, you will receive the e-gift card regardless of your response and vaccine intention. Please watch your SMU email address for an Amazon email with a Mustang Strong logo.

You are also eligible for this thank you gift if you already reported your vaccine status on the Mustang Strong vaccine page. You will receive an email asking if you would like to receive the one-time $10 Amazon e-gift card for your response. Just reply “yes” and watch for it to arrive in your inbox.

SMU is planning for our traditional in-person classes and on-campus activities this fall with a continued commitment to the health and safety of our students and employees. Thank you for doing your part in helping SMU stay Mustang Strong.

Pony Up!

Melinda J. Sutton, Ph.D.

Associate Vice President for Student Affairs

and Dean of Students