Better Advertising. Better World. Graduate Students Masters in Advertising Program Social Responsibility

TAI First-Year MA in Advertising Students Present Campaign Proposals to REACH

MiNK Group
MiNK Group

As a final project for the Responsibility and Social Entrepreneurship (ADV 6372) class, two teams of Temerlin Advertising Institute graduate students—KCB Group and MiNK, under the supervision of Assistant Professor Sidharth Muralidharan—created advertising campaign proposals for the non-profit organization, REACH, whose sole mission is to “provide services for people with disabilities so that they are able to lead self-directed lives and to educate the general public about disability-related topics in order to promote a barrier free community.” By targeting a primarily young demographic in the DFW metroplex, the major emphasis of the campaign was to create awareness of the various services offered by REACH.

KCB Group
KCB Group

On behalf of the client, the presentations were graced by several distinguished TAI faculty and staff, namely, Peter Noble, Anna Kim, John Hall, Alan Lidji, Amy Dahmann, and Cheryl Mendenhall. They provided invaluable advice to the students, ranging from presentation style to strategic ideas. Dr. Sid commented on the presentations, noting, “I am really proud of both teams as this was a challenging task considering the limited resources and budget, however, the students worked hard on the research and were able to extract some great ideas from the findings. I have no doubt that they can be implemented by REACH in the future.”

Social responsibility is a cornerstone of the Temerlin Advertising Institute’s Masters in Advertising program. ADV 6372: Responsibility and Social Entrepreneurship is just one of several courses with a focus on social responsibility that students in the Institute’s MA in Advertising program are able to take. These courses, and the experiences gained through working with real clients, equip graduates to become leaders in the advertising industry by helping them recognize their responsibility to their brands, their consumers, their industry and their society.

Better Advertising. Better World. Competitions Internships TAI Students Undergraduate Students

TAI Senior Ashley Eschert Shares How Internships Have Prepared Her for a Career in Advertising

Ashley Eschert (BA Advertising ’16)

Temerlin Advertising Institute (TAI) senior Ashley Eschert shares how internships with two top Dallas-based agencies–The Richards Group and Canonball Creative–have prepared her for a career as an advertising search planner. Read about her experiences here.

Ashley is one of twenty students that has been selected to participate in Praxis, SMU’s award winning and highly selective Ad Team. Ad Team participates in the American Advertising Federation’s (AAF) National Student Advertising Competition (NSAC). Each year, 200 universities around the country complete in this competition by producing and presenting a comprehensive integrated marketing communications plan for a national client. This year the client is Snapple. Ashley and her Praxis teammates will first present their plan at the district competition in Lubbock in April 2016, and hope to later present at the national competition at Disneyland in June.

Read about last year’s Praxis success here.

Better Advertising. Better World. SMU Creative TAI Alumni

TAI Alumna Spotlight: Jena Jessen, Designer for the Dallas Mavericks

Jena Jessen (’12) had a long-time dream realized when she was hired as a designer for the Dallas Mavericks in June. In her position, Jessen is responsible for creating graphics, collateral, presentations, infographics and logos for the team. With an average home game attendance of 20,000, and more than 65 million fans internationally, designing for the Mavericks is no small job.

TAI alumna, Jena Jessen (’12), designs infographics, logos and other collateral for the Dallas Mavericks.

Jessen graduated from SMU’s Temerlin Advertising Institute (TAI) with a BA in Advertising in December 2012. During her time in TAI’s creative advertising program, she learned several valuable lessons that she has carried with her during her career:

  1. Keep pushing your work further until it is great
  2. Condition your craft
  3. Have a great portfolio site

Under the leadership of the TAI creative faculty, Jessen learned how to “push through the junk until [she] landed at a great idea.” She also learned that conditioning and self-discipline are critical to being successful in the industry. Jessen notes that conditioning is different from motivation, which is fleeting. Like the athletes she now designs for, Jessen conditions her craft through both work and freelance projects to make sure she is staying engaged in the discipline and growing as a professional. Having a great portfolio hosting platform to showcase work is helpful as well. Jessen recommends Cargo Collective, which she was introduced to at TAI.

Jena & DirkJessen’s journey to Victory Park has included stops at Dallas agencies such as MEplusYOU, where she interned, and Speck Communications, where she served as a full time Art Director. She credits her time with these agencies, as well as the knowledge and skills she learned at the Temerlin Advertising Institute, to her landing the position with the Mavericks.

Jessen also serves as the Creative Chair for Ad2Dallas, an affiliate of AAF Dallas, whose mission is to strengthen the skills and connections of Dallas advertising, marketing and public relations professionals age 32 years and younger. For more information on Ad2Dallas, including upcoming events, visit:

Better Advertising. Better World. International Advertising Study Abroad TAI Alumni Technology

TAI Alumna Launches Startup Promoting Tourism in Developing Cities

Temerlin Advertising Institute alumna Karissa Jobman (’13) is combining her advertising acumen and love of travel through Bucket, a startup aimed to boost tourism activities in Quito, Ecuador and other developing cities. BucketLogoAbout Bucket
“Bucket started out of a vision to share the culture of Latin America with the world by making tourism more accessible to international markets” says Jobman. This vision came to her and fellow co-founder, Daniel Pino, through a serendipitous meeting while the two were working for Southwest Airlines in Dallas, Texas. In October 2014, their vision became a reality when Quito’s Tourism Bureau selected Bucket as a recipient of their tourism innovation competition.

Bucket’s purpose is to promote tourism in developing cities through partnerships with the top attractions in each city, providing technologically accessible, discounted, convenient ways to travel the world. Bucket combines entrance tickets to the top attractions in each partner city, offering one Bucket Pass with full access to each attraction at a discounted price. Travelers can purchase the pass online or by mobile device. The Bucket app also features attraction information and trips.

Bucket launches today, July 23, in Quito, Ecuador. Tickets go on sale August 10.

About Jobman
Karissa JobmanKarissa Jobman came to SMU from Omaha, Nebraska to study advertising at the Temerlin Advertising Institute. She first visited South America through the Alternative Breaks program to Ecuador, then spent a semester of her junior year studying abroad in Buenos Aires, Argentina.

Jobman graduated from SMU with a BA in Advertising in December 2013. After graduation she interned with Southwest Airlines in the Community Affairs and Grassroots department, where she met her Bucket co-founder. As the CPO of Bucket, Jobman uses her advertising expertise to create an enhanced digital experience, as well as manage the brand and product development of the company.

You can follow Bucket on Twitter @BucketPass and Facebook.

Internships Undergraduate Students

TAI Student Molly Murer Talks About Her Internship at The Richards Group

Molly Murer
Molly Murer, Advertising Major

This summer, I am working as a Brand Management Intern at The Richards Group. I work mainly on the H-E-B account, as well as the PODS account. I have a wide array of tasks that I manage for the team, including scheduling out of home jobs (by creating posting instructions, quantities worksheets, purchase orders and communicating with vendors), compiling media traffic (including TV, Radio, Digital, Hispanic, Digital Out of Home,and specialized markets), creating weekly Competitive Dailies to send to the client, researching and compiling competitive decks for the creative team and client, opening jobs and purchase orders, and scheduling internal meetings with the team as well as external meetings with the client. Throughout the internship, I also give two major presentations to my entire team, including the principal. I have learned so much through this internship and am excited to see what the last few weeks bring. I have been entrusted with important tasks and appreciate the hands on experience.

Interested in learning more about the internship experiences of TAI students? Click herehere and here.

Faculty Personal Branding TAI Research Fellows Program

Visiting Professor, Dr. Francisco Rejon-Guardia, Presents Personal Branding Workshop

On Thursday, May 15, Dr. Francisco Rejón-Guardia,Visiting Professor from the University of Granada (Spain), presented a workshop to Temerlin Advertising Institute students and faculty titled “Personal Branding: What Are Your Social Networks Saying About You?”

#Personal Branding workshop presented by Dr. Francisco Rejón-Guardia, Visiting Professor
#Personal Branding workshop presented by Dr. Francisco Rejón-Guardia, Visiting Professor for the Temerlin Advertising Institute.

During the workshop, Dr. Rejón-Guardia shared strategies and tips for developing a personal brand and strong reputation online. Since one in three employers look at a job candidate’s social media (Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, Instagram, etc.), Dr. Rejón-Guardia says it’s important to know the image of yourself you are projecting online. His strategies for developing a strong personal brand, both online and off, include knowing your target (i.e. potential employers, jobs, etc.), being specific with your personal tag/slogan, being professional, emphasizing your area(s) of specialization, knowing and telling your story, providing a consistent image of yourself, being genuine, and providing value to your industry. For more on his presentation, click here.

Dr. Rejón-Guardia explains his strategies for developing a strong personal brand to Temerlin Advertising Institute students and faculty.
Dr. Rejón-Guardia explains his strategies for developing a strong personal brand to Temerlin Advertising Institute students and faculty.

Dr. Rejón-Guardia is an Associate Lecturer in Marketing and Market Research at the University of Granada (Spain). His research interests include online consumer behavior, e-commerce, new advertising formats, and market research methodology. Dr. Rejón-Guardia has been a Visiting Professor in the Temerlin Advertising Institute since April 2014. He is using his time in the US to collaborate with American colleagues on various advertising and marketing research projects for publication.

Masters in Advertising Program Social Responsibility

TAI Graduate Students Dish Up Proposals for SMU Dining Services

As a final project for the Responsibility and Social Entrepreneurship (ADV 6372) class, two teams of Temerlin Advertising Institute graduate students—ADmire and 22/23, under the supervision of Assistant Professor Sidharth Muralidharan—created advertising campaign proposals with a social responsibility focus for SMU Dining Services. The primary emphases was to create awareness of the various services offered by SMU Dining Services among freshmen and sophomores, and also to create opportunities to meaningfully impact the lives of students in other ways than just nutrition.

The presentations were judged by several SMU Dining Services representatives, including Julie Wiksten (Associate VP of Campus Services), Jennifer Chang (Marketing Manager of SMU Dining), and Lauren Hickman (Registered Dietitian). Wiksten was very impressed and pleased with both proposals saying “What an honor to see and hear our best and brightest! The presentations were so creative.”

Members of ADmire present their campaign to SMU Dining Services.
Members of ADmire present their campaign to SMU Dining Services.

ADmire focused on how SMU Dining can enable connections with students by working with student body organizations and raise funds (via dining locations) that support college events. Keeping millennials in mind, the highlight of 22/23’s campaign strategy was their ‘SMU Scoop’ mobile app and how this tool can be used to not only spark a sense of togetherness but also help students connect with on-campus activities.

Members of 22/23 present their 'SMU Scoop' app idea.
Members of 22/23 present their ‘SMU Scoop’ app idea.

Dr. Sid commented on the presentations, noting “I am really proud of both teams as they came out with unique social responsibility ideas on a shoe-string budget. Combining the ideas from both proposals can open up even more opportunities for the SMU Dining Services brand.”

Social responsibility is a cornerstone of the Temerlin Advertising Institute’s Masters in Advertising program. ADV 6372: Responsibility and Social Entrepreneurship is just one of several courses with a focus on social responsibility that students in the Institute’s MA in Advertising program are required to take. These courses, and the experiences gained through working with real clients, equip graduates to become leaders in the advertising industry by helping them recognize their responsibility to their brands, their consumers, their industry and their society.

Masters in Advertising students with Dr. Sid Muralidharan, Assistant Professor.
Masters in Advertising students with Dr. Sid Muralidharan, Assistant Professor.


1-in-3 Exxon Mobil Lecture Series Social Responsibility

SMU’s Temerlin Advertising Institute and Publicis Offer Research-based Insight into the Shrinking Sinking Middle Class – Next Tuesday 11/12 at the Angelika

ExxonMobil Announcement - November 2013Contact the Temerlin Advertising Institute for questions or more information.



TAI Student Selected for Publication in CMYK Magazine

Alex Jarzemsky
Alex Jarzemsky

Recent Master of Art in Advertising graduate Alex Jarzemsky’s portfolio work was selected for publication in CMYK’s Top 100 New Creatives. The Top 100 Creatives contest is a worldwide portfolio contest that is open to current students, recent graduates and the self-taught. Categories include art direction, copywriting, illustration, graphic design and photography. Award-winning VP/Creative Director Dave Holloway of Seattle, Washington, selected the works to be published for this particular contest.

Alex graduated from the Temerlin Advertising Institute’s MA in Advertising program in May 2013. He is currently working as an Art Director for Johnson & Sekin in Dallas. TAI is proud of Alex and his impressive accomplishments. You can find his work in CMYK Magazine’s Issue #56, which will hit newsstands in October.

For more information on CMYK Magazine and their contests, visit:


Temerlin Faculty Member Awarded Sam Taylor Fellowship

Dr. Hye Jin Yoon is an Assistant Professor in the Temerlin Advertising Institute at Southern Methodist University.
Dr. Hye Jin Yoon is an Assistant Professor in the Temerlin Advertising Institute at Southern Methodist University.

Temerlin Advertising Institute’s Dr. Hye Jin Yoon was awarded the Sam Taylor Fellowship for her proposal entitled “Humor Effects in Reducing Shame in Health Communication”. She will receive $2,000 in research funding for her project.

Dr. Hye Jin Yoon is an Assistant Professor in the Temerlin Advertising Institute at Southern Methodist University. Her primary research interests are humor effects and schema incongruity processing in advertising. Other research interests include health and environmental issues in advertising and their impact on consumers and society.

The Sam Taylor Fellowship was created by the will of the late Sam Taylor. He set aside funds to be used for continuing education and development for faculty members of United Methodist-related colleges and schools in Texas. These grants may be used for graduate study or post-graduate research. Funds are limited and the fellowships are competitive. Please join TAI in congratulating Dr. Yoon on receiving this grant.