Tag Archives: Gallup

5 Languages of Appreciation in the Workplace

According to the Gallup Organization’s latest report the numbers for employee engagement have barely moved since they started tracking engagement numbers in 2000.

Engagement is defined as being involved in, enthusiastic about and committed to the employee’s work and workplace.  Gallup goes further to suggest the world is in a state of crisis with employee engagement and that in the United States, employee engagement is only at 32%!

The connection between engagement and appreciation

Employees need to know that the work they do is important and that it is appreciated by those around them.
Without a sense of feeling valued engagement decreases, negativity increases, and general apathy sets in.  You may have observed the resulting behaviors:

  • arriving late to work
  • calling in sick repeatedly
  • increased complaining
  • negative conversations with others
  • delivering less than stellar work
The Five Languages of Appreciation Training

Do you recognize these behaviors with your team or want to prevent them from getting there?

Contact HR about bringing the 5 Languages of Appreciation training to your team!

You will learn the 5 languages, how to deliver authentic appreciation, and ways to ensure that appreciation, when shared, hits the mark as intended, instead of falling short.

Email us at DevelopU@smu.edu or call Mary Stall directly at 8-2194.

Read the full engagement report:  The Worldwide Employee Engagement Crisis