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ACCESSIBLE AIR TRAVEL ADVOCACY TAKING OFF: Public Service Fellow Brady Martin partners with All Wheels Up leading grassroots advocacy efforts for wheelchair accessibility on airplanes

The Maguire Ethics Center welcomes you to our second 2021 Maguire Public Service Fellow spotlight. This week’s post features Public Service Fellow Brady Martin and his work with All Wheels Up advocating for wheelchair space on aircrafts. While catching a flight remains a simple part of life for most people, those flying as a wheelchair […]

Maguire Ethics Center news Medical ethics Public Service Fellowships

Public Service Fellow in São Paulo, Brazil

SMU senior Carol Sale is volunteering at Associação Saúde Criança in São Paulo, Brazil this summer, but she is not just another volunteer. In addition to her work at this innovative health organization, Sale is also performing an SMU staff-facilitated anthropological study of the moral distress of doctors, psychologists, social workers and lawyers who work […]