Business ethics Education & ethics Journalism & ethics Law & ethics Maguire Ethics Center news Politics, government & ethics Society & ethics

Trust is Key to Business Development, says Keynote Speaker Matthew Harrington

The state of trust today across all institutions, whether government, business, media or non-governmental is extremely fragile says Matthew Harrington, CEO and President of Edelman and keynote speaker at this week’s Trust, Ethics & Transparency conference. “In this environment it behooves any organization to make building trust a priority,” said Harrington, “because trust, the belief that […]

Ethics in the news Law & ethics Politics, government & ethics

White House ethics advisor

Based upon this article from today’s Washington Post, I was going to write a snarky little piece about the limited job opportunities for ethicists in the White House. There’s one ethics advisor there (though I will bet there are others in the White House Counsel’s office who have a piece of those issues, as well), […]

Journalism & ethics Law & ethics Politics, government & ethics

Reporter Privilege: A Con Job or an Essential Element of Democracy?

Two widely divergent cases in recent months have given the public some idea as to what exactly reporter privilege is and whether it may or may not be important in guaranteeing the free flow of information in society. Whether it’s important or not depends on point of view, and, sometimes, one’s political perspective. The case […]