Business ethics Ethics in the news Journalism & ethics Maguire Ethics Center news Politics, government & ethics Society & ethics Uncategorized

“Ethics, Trust & Transparency” Conference Will Be Streamed

Next weeks Ethics, Trust & Transparency conference on the SMU campus just got easier to attend with the announcement that the entire event will be streamed on the web. Every minute of the conference, beginning at 8:20 am, Wednesday, November 2, 2011 will be video streamed free-of-charge on the main page of the Maguire Center’s […]

Business ethics Maguire Ethics Center news Politics, government & ethics Society & ethics

Ethics, Trust and Transparency Conference Less than a Week Away

Register now for the “Ethics, Trust and Transparency” conference scheduled next Wednesday, 7:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. in the Crum Auditorium at the Jim Collins Executive Center on the SMU campus. At a time when confidence in government and business leaders has been rocked by scandal and questionable decisions it will be both healthy and […]

Athletics & ethics Ethics in the news Society & ethics

Tom Brady, a Boston charity, and that wrecked Audi S8

The papers were filled with photos and stories when Patriots quarterback Tom Brady wrecked his Audi S8 last week (click here for a representative sample). Except it turns out that it wasn’t Brady’s Audi. The car was a loaner provided by the Boston office of the Kennedy-family charity, Best Buddies International, which has loaned the […]

Business ethics Ethics in the news Society & ethics

Ethics Specialist Named Dean of Harvard Business School

A sign of the times? Who knows. But Nitin Nohria is one of the prime faculty movers behind the “MBA Oath,” and he both talks the talk and walks the walk. Click here for more. Here are two excerpts from an interview with Bloomberg BusinessWeek: What does it mean to take on this role after […]

Athletics & ethics Business ethics Ethics in the news Society & ethics

Was LeBron unethical?

Bob Stone, blogging over at, thinks so: The very foundation of ethics is the ability to imagine yourself in others??? circumstances. It???s the Golden Rule. James owed the Cav fans a gentle let-down. Instead he left his loyal fans to suffer for two days waiting for the decision, then 27 minutes more, then BAM! […]

Society & ethics

Public health ethics

An article in today’s Dallas Morning News about H1N1 influenza did a pretty good job of covering the bases: vaccination (and vaccine safety and availability), prevention, and the possible effect of a pandemic on the ability of health providers to care for large numbers of flu sufferers. This part of the story caught my eye: […]

Business ethics Ethics in the news Moral philosophy Politics, government & ethics Society & ethics

Public Responsibility & Ethics

Perkins Theology School’s Dean Bill Lawrence had an absolutely outstanding commentary on KERA-FM this week. You can hear it here (MP3). Dean Lawrence’s timely message concerned those who “ensmall” their spheres of responsibility and accountability vs. those who enlarge them. By defining down those things for which we feel any responsibility, anything outside that circle […]

Education & ethics Society & ethics

Ethics Curricula in Colleges and Universities

I recently ran across a good paper, written in 2005 and posted to the SSRN website: “A Survey of Ethics Courses in State College and University Curricula,” by Angela Hernquist. Her final question is one that students should be asking their professors and deans in every department and school on this campus: “If the manner […]

Education & ethics Ethics in the news Society & ethics

High schoolers’ ethics: how low can you go? is reporting on a new survey of high school students’ ethics by the Josephson Institute for Ethics (press release (PDF)). Here are some highlights from the Institute’s summary: STEALING. In bad news for business, more than one in three boys (35 percent) and one-fourth of the girls (26 percent) ??? a total of 30 […]

Business ethics Society & ethics

Cultural property law conference Oct. 16 at DePaul

In light of the Maguire Center’s conference on the Ethics of Collecting Antiquities last year, some of you may be interested in an upcoming law conference on October 16: DePaul University College of Law Center for Art, Museum & Cultural Heritage Law and the Center for Intellectual Property Law & Information Technology (CIPLIT??) present: 8th […]