From November 13 to 17, 2022, Kay Bailey Hutchinson Convention Center in Downtown Dallas was home to Supercomputing 2022 (SC22), where leading minds and vendors in high-performance computing came together to share knowledge and celebrate recent innovations. SMU made its presence known at the annual event with an engaging exhibit area as well as exclusive tours of the University Data Center!

SMU’s presence in the exhibit hall featured our current and future High-Performance Computing systems, along with student and faculty research projects that have harnessed the power of these platforms. Even our popular NVIDIA Jetson-powered Hyer Performance Cluster “baby supercomputer,” built by STAR student Conner Ozenne ’23, made an appearance!

SC22 was also hosting a landmark event for SMU’s supercomputing history, as the ribbon was cut on our new NVIDIA DGX SuperPOD installation. The ceremony was attended by dignitaries from The Hilltop; including Provost Loboa, Center for Research Computing Director Thomas Hagstrom, CIO Michael Hites, and the Vice Provost for Research and Chief Innovation Officer Suku Nair; along with officials from Mark3 Systems, President Stan Wysocki, and NVIDIA, Marc Hamilton, the VP of Solutions Architecture and Engineering, to open this new chapter of HPC and AI capability. Tours of the University Data Center were also provided before and after the ceremony to showcase SMU’s advanced resources and expandability for future innovations in artificial intelligence and high-performance computing.