Canvas Corner: March 2018 Edition

Canvas CornerEvery month in Canvas Corner, we discuss the new features and enhancements available in Canvas.
This month, we cover general updates to announcements, new section-specific announcements, comments on announcements, and updates to Canvas Mobile.

General Announcements Updates in Canvas

Canvas has made several updates to the announcements section. The following changes have been applied:

  • The Announcements page no longer includes excess whitespace.
  • Delayed announcements are identified on the Announcements page and include the upcoming post date and time.
  • The lock and unlock icon for allowing or disallowing comments has been changed to a Reply arrow icon.
  • Profile pictures display next to each announcement for the user who posted the announcement. If profile pictures are not enabled for an account, the announcement displays a placeholder profile picture.
  • The Unread button has been changed to a menu, where users can filter between all announcements and unread announcements.picture showing the updates to general announcements in Canvas

Section-Specific Announcements in Canvas

When creating an announcement, instructors can now create section-specific announcements in their courses. When creating an announcement, you can select to send the announcement to all sections, one section, or multiple sections.

picture showing the updates to section specific announcements

Both the individual announcement and the Announcements page display the section(s) that can view the announcement. Students will only view announcements for the sections where they are enrolled.

*Please Note: Students can view the specific sections where the announcement was posted. Also, section-specific announcements are not available in groups.

picture showing the updates to the student view of announcements in Canvas

Comments in Announcements

In announcements, comments are disabled by default. This change helps manage expectations for announcements while still allowing users to participate. Instructors can allow students to comment on announcements by selecting the Allow users to comment checkbox. When selected, instructors can also select the option to allow users to post before seeing other replies.

picture showing the updates to the options for Cnavas announcements

In the Announcements page, comments can be allowed or disallowed at any time in the Settings menu for the announcement.

picture showing the updates to the options for Cnavas announcements

Please Note: Comments can be disabled completely in Account Settings or Course Settings. If commenting is disabled, the Allow Users to Comment checkbox is not included as an announcement option. Additionally, comments cannot be managed on the Announcements page.

Canvas Mobile Updates for Android

User Menu

picture showing the updated Android mobile menu screen

The User Menu has replaced the Profile Menu in the Dashboard. From the User Menu, teachers can access app settings, change users, or log out of the app.

To Do Listpicture showing the updated Android mobile ToDo list notifications bubble

The To Do List supports notification badges for To Do items. The To Do notification badge displays the number of items that need grading for all assignments.

Push notifications

picture showing the updated Android mobile push notifications

Push notifications are supported on Android devices. Tapping a push notification will open the app and display the page that relates to the notification. Push notification preferences can only be managed from the browser version of Canvas.

Canvas Mobile Updates for iOS

Getting Help

picture showing the updated iOSmobile menu screen

The Help link has been moved to the User Menu. The Help link allows users to report a problem with the app or suggest a new feature.

To Do List

picture showing the updated iOSmobile bubble notifications on App

The Teacher app also supports a badge for the Teacher app icon on the home screen of iOS devices. This badge displays the total amount of To Do and Inbox notifications.

Push Notifications

picture showing the updated iOSmobile push notifications pop-up

The Teacher app supports push notifications on iOS devices. Tapping a push notification will open the app and display the page that relates to the notification. Push notifications can only be managed from the browser version of Canvas.


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Published by

Cassidy Porter
