It is now that time of the semester when things get hectic! This time is filled with even more studying, exams, and sometimes those big projects. As your workload gets busier this time of year, large projects can appear especially daunting.
Thankfully, there are resources that can help you keep your projects organized and on track! You may use OneNote to take notes during classes and meetings, but it also serves as a perfect place to store all of your research and notes for projects, too. Also, if you save your notebooks to the cloud with OneDrive, you can share your project notebooks with others. This can make group projects a lot easier to manage since all group members can work in the notebook at the same time!
Also, you can put all kinds of multimedia into your notebook for later viewing or to use in your actual project. If you find a good website for your research, you can clip it to your notebook so you can access it offline. From web pages to entire videos and audio recordings, it can all be placed in OneNote.
Need Office?
The new 2016 version of OneNote is available to all students, faculty, and staff through our Office365 agreement with Microsoft. To download OneNote and the rest of the Office suite, go to For more info on using OneNote, take a look at this Lynda course on how to get started:
03/10/2020: Updated course link(s) from to LinkedIn Learning