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Biology Dedman College of Humanities and Sciences Dedman College Research Faculty News

SMU virologist in NYT

New York Times Originally Posted: August 20, 2020 Drug Pitched to Trump for Covid-19 Comes From a Deadly Plant The chief executive of My Pillow, a Trump donor, claims oleandrin is a miracle cure for Covid-19. But no studies have shown that it is safe or effective, and the shrub it’s derived from is poisonous. […]

Biology Dedman College of Humanities and Sciences World Languages and Literatures

What’s in a name?

SMU News Originally Posted: December 11, 2017 DALLAS (SMU) – Biko McMillan was supposed to be named “Stanley,” after his grandfather. But his father wanted a name that came with a legacy, so he named him after Steve Biko, South African anti-apartheid activist and leader of its 1960s and ’70s black consciousness movement. “When I […]