Tag Archives: james hart

No Plan Survives First Contact

There is an old military expression that say, “No plan survives first contact.” What this means to me is that we can plan and plan and plan, but once we engage at least one other person, plans change. This is … Continue reading

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It’s All About The Plan

Want to increase your chances of making a living in the arts? Want to create your own business or serve as a “business of one”? Want to make an impact on the world? First you need a plan.

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Off the Cuff Advice for Arts Entrepreneurs:

I like to ask, “What if’s?” of myself, as it puts me into a mind frame of imagination. Today’s “What if Moment” invites the following: What if I were to give arts entrepreneurs some small, but important pieces of advice, … Continue reading

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What About Venture Capital?

Many artistic entrepreneurs will consider seeking venture capital to launch their business, to grow their business or to rebrand. But is venture capital the way to go? For most, this will be an enormously challenging endeavor, perhaps one of the … Continue reading

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What Type of Students do we Seek?

The Arts Entrepreneurship Minor at SMU seeks talented and imaginative individuals, who seek to have a greater role in the realization of their own creative opportunities. Entrepreneurs address the status quo and offer change. Do you have a large imagination? … Continue reading

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