Vines High School in Plano, English teacher needed

We are looking for a Highly Qualified English Teacher to take over English I Honors and English II Honors classes beginning in the Spring semester at Vine HS in Plano, TX.  It is truly a collaborative and supportive culture within our campus.

Applicants interested will need to complete an application with the District using the link below, and hold their ELA 8-12 certification. The ESL Supplemental certification will need to be obtained, but once hired, teachers will be given a waiver for up to 1 year to be able to secure that certification.

Application Link:

Once applications are submitted, applicants are encouraged to reach out to me with their resume to speed along the interview process. Additionally, I am more than happy to answer any questions that they may have throughout the process.  Thank you,  Karen Roberts,  the English Department Chair

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