The Brainy News: When Zombies Attack

When Zombies Attack in melting letters with zombie hands emerging from the groundFred the UnDead here, I’m standing at the site of the Cox School of Business renovation and it appears that hordes of zombies have overrun the campus! I’m going to see if I can catch some people to… interview. Looks around quad.

Oh I see Emily Newsome, the Associate Director of the Executive MBA program. Emily, can you tell us more about the zombies? 

Emily while protecting a cohort of EMBA students: “Our goal with presenting [When Zombies Attack] during orientation was to help newly formed study groups have an opportunity to learn more about each other and how to work together in an environment that is not graded. Scholars are working to build their study group charters during this time, and this exercise gives them a glimpse of the different roles that

EMBA Team Tiny Ponies from January 2024 zombie session
Team Tiny Ponies from the January EMBA zombie session

may be required for team efficacy, as well as insight into developing group dynamics.”

Fred: Ah, I see, team building in a low-stakes simulated environment while thwarting the zombie horde.

What about your thoughts on what’s happening? Points at EMBA student fighting off a zombie: “This is brilliant. I’ve been part of a lot of things, but this is great.”

Fred: Fantastic! Time to see what else I can flesh out.

There’s Kate Hoedebeck, Director

and Adjunct Instructor of the Business Leadership Center. Kate, what’s going on?

Kate guarding a tree fort with a mix of students: “Students aren’t always aware of all the resources we have and if they are it can be overwhelming. ‘When Zombies Attack’ is a fun way for students to not just understand but experience how to use the Business Library tools at their disposal. It provides real hands-on value to our graduate students which aligns with the goals of the Business Leadership Center.”

Business Graduate Student Team Braindead from BLC January 2024 zombie session.
Team Braindead from the January BLC zombie session

Fred: So, developing a plan to fight zombies teaches students about the Business Library in a different and highly interactive way.

Hmm, who else can I talk to? Look, in the corner, it’s the Business Librarian Zombie Guides. I bet they have all the info.

Business Librarians battling a group of zombies: “We wanted to draw on the Cox tenets of experiential learning and community building and share how the library is here to help students in a meaningful way. Teams use business research skills to work together to create a zombie plan to survive and thrive. The team voted as best ally wins the coveted golden zombie trophy.” Crowd, including the zombies, oohs.

Business Librarians (Gayle Freeman-Staggs, Melissa Johnson, Tracey Rinehart, Justin Harrison) wearing zombie t-shirts making zombie poses
Business Librarians: Gayle Freeman-Staggs, Melissa Johnson, Tracey Rinehart and Justin Harrison

Online MBA student jumping in to push away a zombie: “This seminar is engaging and helpful to see the different resources in the Business Library.”

Fred: Sounds like business research and zombies are a winning combo! Look who’s here, it’s Sandy Miller, Director of the Business Library. Let’s get her take on the zombies.

Sandy single-handedly defending a cluster of business faculty. “We offer ‘When Zombies Attack’ as part of our regular offerings because of the great success and impact the initial sessions had. The business librarians have been energized and inspired to bring more interactive and student-led components to all of their instruction sessions.”

Fred: Well, you’ve heard it here first, from your friendly neighborhood zombie, Fred the UnDead. It looks like the zombies are only getting started so I need to wrap this up. Excuse me, I think I see someone, erm… I mean, something tasty to snack on.

“When Zombies Attack” the Business Library is the place to be. To learn more about how you can ensure our survival, Ask a Business Librarian.