A Message from SMU Libraries’ Dean, Holly Jeffcoat: Books, and the ideas they contain, are key resources when people are confronted with new ideas and problems. They help us learn from experts, dig deeper into our past, and contemplate ideas in a personal and focused way. As the events unfolded around the death of George…Continue Reading Learning to Engage in Anti-Racism
Anti-Racism Starter Kit
Dismantling systemic racism requires individuals, especially those privileged by a racist system, to proactively inform themselves, recognize their role, and take an active stand against the racism inherent in our society – including SMU. The resources below are by no means exhaustive, but can help you get started in that process. Antiracism/Talking About Race America’s…Continue Reading Anti-Racism Starter Kit
Discussing Racism With Children (by Age Group)
In a recent interview with the Los Angeles Times about racism, the author Ibram X. Kendi discussed the need to talk about racism with children: “When children ask a racial question and we don’t want to talk about it, the message is that race and racism should not be talked about. White parents especially don’t…Continue Reading Discussing Racism With Children (by Age Group)